[Early Adopters]: Try Our Newly Expanded Lightbox Feature!

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Please sign me up!

Hey Justin, I’m in. Sign me up!


Thanks Justin. Will do 🙂

We’ll get you set up. 🙂

Any chance I could get on the beta as well? Working on a few pages where it would come in handy. Thanks!

Justin is away but I’ll make sure you get setup.


Here’s a screen grab, with lightbox sign up form integrated.

It’s a very specific landing page and supports a local incentive I’m running. Unbounce makes it simple to present and the lightbox is the icing on the cake.

Thanks for including me on the beta. Really appreciate it.

Ok, with the holidays fast approaching and our initial 50 spots filled, I’m going to put a hold on adding any more people to the beta test of lightboxes. We will likely open this up again in the new year. 

Pedro and Monte got in under the wire. 🙂

Could I be added to have the Lightbox feature as well. Thanks!

Thanks Paul!

YES PLEASE! We can’t wait fro this feature! Sign Flutter up!

Yes please. Thanks!

Awesome! This looks fantastic, thanks for sharing Mark! :) 

Sign me up!

Thanks, Justin. Used it in A/B tests for video - attached screenshot. Turns out to be the worst performing variant so far, but still not conclusive. Thanks for adding me to the beta list. Great feature!

Yes please!

Can I get in on this too?! Have you guys had any luck yet with the integration bug? I’m with Infusionsoft.

I Want. I need!! Please include me 🙂

Helen, our Success Manager told me about this - we would like to implement to pages this week, if possible! Thanks.

Also for me please

some problems that I’ve noticed… on my landing page http://amplifymybusiness.com/lightboz-test-celestial/ the lightbox takes a while to load… especially on mobile. I’ve tested on many devices and the delay is unavoidable. Any way to get around this? 

Yes please!

some problems that I’ve noticed… on my landing page http://amplifymybusiness.com/lightboz-test-celestial/ the lightbox takes a while to load… especially on mobile. I’ve tested on many devices and the delay is unavoidable. Any way to get around this? 

Also, I would love if I could have the lightbox only display on desktop and keep the form on mobile.

Yes please 🙂

I’d like to join the beta if it’s not too late!
