[Early Adopters]: Try Our Newly Expanded Lightbox Feature!


We’ve already solved the issue of being able to put external lightboxes on your landing page without using any code, but today we want to take it one step further and release an enhanced and completely new experience for building lightboxes in Unbounce. With this new feature release, you’ll be able to design, customize and publish all of your landing pages’ lightboxes right from within the page itself. This means no more publishing separate ‘lightbox’ pages, and no more juggling URL’s.

There’s a few other gems to look out for, too. If you’ve ever wanted to put a form in a pop-up, you’ve likely had to employ a workaround that involved a couple different pages linking to one another. Well, I’m happy to report that you’ll finally be able to open a lightbox with a form in itand be able to attribute those leads to your original page! Boo-yeah!

Not only that, but the traffic that hits your lightboxes won’t be double-counted against your traffic quota (like it currently is if you’re linking to another Unbounce page). Finally, lightboxes are also mobile-responsive so you don’t need to worry about which device your viewers are coming from.

This is a huge release, and I’m happy to announce that this feature will be available to the public by January, 2016. However, If you want to get early access to this feature right now, just be one of the first 50 people to leave a comment below and we’ll enable it on your account.

Happy Lightboxing!


UPDATE - January 4, 2016:

We’re opening the Lightbox beta up to even more users starting today!

We’ve enabled our newly expanded Lightbox feature up to 50 early adopters, and so far we’ve experienced no major issues. In fact, feedback has been super positive! 

Due to the success of the launch, we’re going to be letting more customers into the beta starting now. All you have to do is leave a comment in this thread and we’ll enable it on your account within 24 hours.

UPDATE - January 7, 2016: 
Thanks to one of our all-star beta testers (looking at you, John Ndege!) we’ve uncovered a little bug that prevents the form from communicating with integrations properly if the form is placed in a lightbox. The leads are still collected, but they’re not pushing back out to any integrations at this time.

Our teams are working hard to correct this, but we don’t have a solid ETA on a fix just yet. In the meantime, if you have integrations we suggest leaving the form on the main page instead of in the lightbox for now. 

We’ll also keep this thread updated with the progress on this bug.

UPDATE - February 2, 2016:
We’ve hit our limit for beta testers for this feature so we’re going to shut the signup process down. A huge thanks goes out to everyone who volunteered! Stay tuned to the Community for more feature announcements, and keep an eye out for the official launch of Lightboxes in Unbounce.

UPDATE - March 4, 2016:
_ _We’ve officially released this as a full feature in Unbounce. Start adding lightboxes to your landing page today!

381 replies

Thanks, Justin. Used it in A/B tests for video - attached screenshot. Turns out to be the worst performing variant so far, but still not conclusive. Thanks for adding me to the beta list. Great feature!

Can I get in on this too?! Have you guys had any luck yet with the integration bug? I’m with Infusionsoft.

Helen, our Success Manager told me about this - we would like to implement to pages this week, if possible! Thanks.

some problems that I’ve noticed… on my landing page http://amplifymybusiness.com/lightboz-test-celestial/ the lightbox takes a while to load… especially on mobile. I’ve tested on many devices and the delay is unavoidable. Any way to get around this? 

some problems that I’ve noticed… on my landing page http://amplifymybusiness.com/lightboz-test-celestial/ the lightbox takes a while to load… especially on mobile. I’ve tested on many devices and the delay is unavoidable. Any way to get around this? 

Also, I would love if I could have the lightbox only display on desktop and keep the form on mobile.

I’d like to join the beta if it’s not too late!

Count me in!

Hey there! 
It usually takes 2-3 days to enable the beta feature on our end. I’ll see if we can enable this tonight… if not, tomorrow at the latest. 

Hang tight!

Will do, Chris! Hang tight. 

You made the final cut! We’re closing the beta tonight, but we’ll get this enabled on your account shortly. 🙂

Will do, Zvi!

You just _made the cut-off. We’ll enable this shortly. :) 

You’re the last one, Ahmed! :) 

You made the last cut, Noah! Hang tight. 

I feel a bit stooged. Looks like you accepted just about everybody but me? :-/

UPDATE 02/03/2016:
_We’ve hit our limit for beta testers for this feature so we’re going to shut the signup process down. A huge thanks goes out to everyone who volunteered! Stay tuned to the Community for more feature announcements, and keep an eye out for the official launch of Lightboxes in Unbounce. 

Thank you so much, I come to make background video update to my templates in themeforest… and by the luck i found your post about background video. i am really impressive about developer in Unbounce team they really give us great tools with the best builder…
Thank you so much Unbounce
Explicit Concepts

Nope, we literally just _enabled it on your account. Log out + in and give it a try!

Legend. Thanks!

Thank you so much 😃

Me. Pick me.

**pretty please?**

I have a question about the lightbox. Is it possible to display the lightbox after the mouse leaves the viewport or after the visitor has been on the page a certain amount of time? I guess what I’m asking is, is the lightbox a hidden element that I can use a jQuery .show() to fire?

Hi, it might have been mentioned before, but it looks like javascript scripts are not working in a lightbox.

I use this script in order to generate a unique ID per visit, across my forms steps (I actually copied this script from someone else in the unbounce community).

$(document).ready(function() {

var id = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-tTzZ:.]/g, '');



The script works great when I am not using a lightbox. However, it is not working when I am using it in a lightbox.

Wow, I need this right now!! 😮 Could I please get a Beta Test Spot if there’s any available? Thanks so much, I’d really appreciate it! 😃

I just started working on some LP’s in Unbounce and am waiting to launch them until I can get a Double Opt-in feature figured out, haha. Needless to say, I’m beyond ready to fully abandon OptimizePress and jump on board with Unbounce!
