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[Tips & Scripts] Setting up Bing conversion tracking in Unbounce

As we have started using Bing advertising for a number of our Unbounce landing pages we are in need of conversion tracking which is not currently as easy to set up as Google Analytics.


1. Grab the Bing UET Tag

The conversion tracking section within Bing is down the left hand side and
within that you should see a “Create UET Tag” button.


The Bing UET tag is just the equivalent of the Google Analytics Universal tracking code. Name your tag corresponding to which website the tag is for. Then you should end up with something the looks like this…

2. Post UET Tag to Landing Pages

Instead of going to the scripts section as you normally would with Google Analytics tracking on Unbounce, we need to add the UET tag as a specific JavaScript. You can find this at the bottom of the Unbounce Edit pages:

Select “Add New JavaScript” then “Add Script to this Variant.” Name the script ‘Bing UET Tag’ and placement as ‘Head.’ Paste the JavaScript in select done. It should look like this:


3. Setting up a Conversion

Then we need to go back to Bing and create our conversion goal. The “Conversion goals” section is just below “UET tags” on the left hand side and then select “Create conversion goal.”

Then you come to a screen that looks very similar to that when you set up a Google Analytics goal. It has all the similar options: Destination URL, Duration, Event, etc. As Unbounce does not give a unique URL for the conversion page we cannot use ‘Destination URL’ so we are going to be using ‘Event.’

Then, just like Google Analytics, you need to define the event with the appropriate Category, Action and Label.

For example, we use this for our contact forms:

Category: Contact

Action: Form

Label: Ignition Search (The name of the Landing Page)


I don’t normally bother with value, it is up to you. Then set the settings to the following;


window.uetq = window.uetq || ;

window.uetq.push({ ‘ec’:‘Contact’, ‘ea’:‘Form’, ‘el’:‘Submit’ });

It is basically very similar to the old Google Analytics event tracking script with a couple of extras.

What you will need to change for script:

Unbounce Identifier

Unbounce labels all the elements on your landing page. The button on your form will have a unique identifier. In the example above the identifier is

(event) {

You will need to replace this with your forms identifier. This can be found here:

Category, Action & Label Attributes

Remember where we asked you to make a note of how the attributes of your event? You need to add those attributes to this part of the script above;

‘ec’:‘Contact’, ‘ea’:‘Form’, ‘el’:‘Submit’ });

Should be pretty obvious which one is which.

Then you need to add the script to Unbounce just like before but place the script Before Body End Tag


5. Testing the script

We added something extra to the script to allow you see if it has worked. If you go to your published landing page, right click the button and select inspect element. Select console and then fill in your form and you should see the following message:


  • Former Unbouncer
  • February 15, 2016

Hey Dan! 

Looks like my original comment didn’t save the first time around. Just wanted to give you a huge thanks for putting this together. This is  super  _useful!

What about calls? Thanks for putting this together.

Also, Bing can see the UET tag from the scripts editor.  As long as it’s in the Head.  Why did you add it to every page individually?  That’s a lot if you are running two variants on 20+ plus pages.

Thanks for this. Do you add the Bing generated code to both the landing page and the form dialog box? 


Are these instructions the same if we’re using lightbox forms?

Surely there must be a better way to do this? I don’t really want to have to go through every page and variant messing around with it if there’s a chance that there’s a more streamlined method.

This looks like exactly what I’m looking for. Unfortunately, the screenshots are quite small and I can’t actually see the examples. Any chance of reuploading some larger images?

  • Former Unbouncer
  • November 2, 2016

Hey @Dan_Kavanagh – do you still have this around in a Google Doc somewhere? I’d love to update this as the formatting looks a bit wonky in our new Community. I’ll send you a DM as well.


I created a global script to go on the form confirmation pages, which means I dont have to individually edit… BONUS! Placed it at the end of the body tag, and ensured the usual UET script is in the header. Hope it helps.

lp.jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    console.log( "convesion tracked!" );
    window.uetq = window.uetq || []; 
    window.uetq.push({ 'ec':'Contact', 'ea':'Form', 'el':'Income Protection', 'ev':'1' }); 

Agreed. Need higher resolution on those screenshots.

  • March 14, 2017

Has anyone been able to get this to work? I’ve tried @Dan_Kavanagh instructions, and cannot get the event to fire. The screenshots are a bit of an issue. I’ve also tried @Lawrence_Howlett universal code and no luck. Any direction is greatly appreciated.

After burning an embarrassing amount of time of trying to decipher @Dan_Kavanagh’s steps, which I ultimately could not follow (full disclosure: I am a marketer, not a developer), I tried @Lawrence_Howlett’s approach, and I can confim it does work. I tested it with a live Bing ad. It’s a much more efficient way to enable Bing conversion tracking. In a nutshell…

  1. Install your Bing UET tag on your Form Confirmation Dialog box, in the Javascript section. Be sure to select “Head” as the placement.

  2. Also, as a separate piece of Javascript, install the following code on the Form Confirmation Dialog box. In this case, placement should be “Before body end tag”. Name it “Bing conversion tag”, or whatever you like…

lp.jQuery(document).ready(function() {
console.log( “conversion tracked” );
window.uetq = window.uetq || ;
window.uetq.push({ ‘ec’:‘XXX’, ‘ea’:‘XXX’, ‘el’:‘XXX’, ‘ev’:‘XXX’ });

Script labels removed so it would show on the page.

Note that the XXX’s need to be replaced with the values for Category (ec), Action (ea), Label (el), and Value (ev) that you used when you set up your Bing conversion tag (and the conversion type should be “Event”, btw).

Shout out to Lawrence for his solution. Thank you, sir!

Dan said: "As Unbounce does not give a unique URL for the conversion page we cannot use ‘Destination URL’ " HOWEVER, in unbounce, i entered a unique URL in the Form Confirmation section. So, I’m using Destination URL and expect it to work…and work simply. Will follow up.



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