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[How-to] Auto-fill Form Fields using Local Storage


If you have leads who come back to your Unbounce landing pages more than once, this script will come in handy. It stores the data submitted by the user locally on their browser (using Local Storage) and recalls it when they visit another of your landing pages so they do not have to complete the same fields twice.

Ckick here to see the autofill in action built in Unbounce (feel free to try it - complete the form and refresh the page to see your data autofilled).

This could also potentially be modified to use “progressive profiling” - gradually asking additional form questions (to do this you would have one form with all fields, use javascript to hide already-answered fields and show un-answered fields).

How to Install in Unbounce

Click Here for Instructions

This is not an official Unbounce feature. This functionality is based entirely on third party code, and has only been tested in limited applications. Since this isn’t a supported Unbounce feature, our support team will be unable to assist if things go awry. So if you are not comfortable with HTML, Javascript and CSS, please consider consulting an experienced developer.


  1. To set it up, simply add this script to “Before Body End Tag” on every landing page you want it to work on (or add it across your domain using the script manager). There is no need to edit any of the code.

    <script src=""></script>
    // ##################
    // Do not remove this section; it allows our team to troubleshoot and track feature adoption. 
    // TS:0002-05-055  
    // ##################

    ls_prepend = "UB_AF_";

    // On click of form button / on form submit, save all available data to local storage
    $(".lp-pom-form .lp-pom-button").click(function(){

    function saveFormData() {
    	// save text fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='text']").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldValue = obj.value;
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;

    	// save select fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form select").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldValue = obj.value;
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;

    	// save checkbox fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldValue = obj.checked;
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;

    	// save radio fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='radio']:checked").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldValue = "true";
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='radio']:not(:checked)").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldValue = "false";
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;

    function retrieveFormData() {
    	// look for and populate text fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='text']").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
    		if(fieldSavedValue != undefined && fieldSavedValue != "" && fieldSavedValue != null) {
    			obj.value = fieldSavedValue;

    	// look for and populate select fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form select").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
    		if(fieldSavedValue != undefined && fieldSavedValue != "" && fieldSavedValue != null) {
    			$(".lp-pom-form #" + fieldID + " option[value='" + fieldSavedValue + "']").attr('selected', true);

    	// look for and populate checkbox fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i, obj) {
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		fieldSavedValue = "";
    		fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
    		if(fieldSavedValue != undefined && fieldSavedValue != "" && fieldSavedValue != null && fieldSavedValue != "false") {
    			obj.checked = fieldSavedValue;

    	// look for and populate radio button fields
    	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='radio']").each(function(i, obj) {
    		// fieldValue = obj.value;
    		fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
    		fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
    		if(fieldSavedValue == true || fieldSavedValue == "true") {

How it Works

• Upon form submission, the script saves the value of each form field to browser Local Storage, named with “UB_AF_” + the field ID. E.g. UB_AF_email =
• Upon load of the page, the script looks in the browser’s Local Storage for each field ID and if it finds them/a value recorded against them, it populates it.

A Few Things to Note

• It will only work across a single domain (ie, if someone enters form data on and then visits another form on the fields will not be autofilled)
• It will only work if the user is visiting a subsequent form from the same browser which they first completed the form (ie, if someone fills your form out on your landing page on their iPhone and then goes to fill it out on their laptop, the fields will not be autofilled)

Can’t see the instructions? Log-in or Join the Community to get access immediately. 🚀

Want to take your Unbounce landing pages + Convertables™ to the next level?
:spinbounce: Check out the Ultimate List of Unbounce Tips, Scripts & Hacks

Best answer by Barry_Elk

For anyone who comes here and is trying to implement this code and wondering why it will not save your email address? - evidently UB has started tagging the email field as "input type=‘email’ - so you will need to add another loop in both the write and read functions.

Here is what I used for each:
for save:

	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='email']").each(function(i, obj) {
	fieldValue = obj.value;
	fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
	localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;
	console.log(fieldID + ": " + fieldValue);

and for retrieve:

	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='email']").each(function(i, obj) {
	fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
	fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
	if(fieldSavedValue != undefined && fieldSavedValue != "" && fieldSavedValue != null) {
		obj.value = fieldSavedValue;
		console.log("Filled " + fieldID);
View original


Thanks for this one. Very useful!

Has anyone tested this extensively, cross-browser, on mobile, in older browsers?


Good question - I haven’t tested it on all browsers @Dan_Wood but it should work with any browsers that support Local Storage. You can find a list of browsers that support it here:

For those that don’t support it, the user just would not see the auto-filled fields (so it shouldn’t negatively affect user experience).

can anybody suggest the code to auto fill the form fileds only for name, email id, phone number and city from local storage of the browser.

please help with the code as i am the digital marketer not the developer.
we have sent the developers back as we find unbounce resolve our problem and thought that it can eliminate the developer. we have taken this decision to cut down our operational costs.


Hey @onlinesales,

I’m sorry to hear that you are having a bit of trouble with your Unbounce landing pages.

Although, Unbounce can eliminate 98% of the work for developers there are still some instances where you need a bit of help to make everything work as expected.

These tips & scripts are a great way to add extra functionality that is not needed by all Unbounce users but might help you improve your own landing pages.

If the above script and instructions are not working out for you, I think you should contact your previously developer and see if they can help out on a freelance basis.



This is really great - but I’m finding one issue…

I tested this and while it pre-filled the name fields, it didn’t pre-fill the email and phone fields.

I’m not noticing anything different about how those fields are set up…

Fields where it works:
Field Label Field Name & ID
First Name first_name
Last Name last_name

Fields where it didn’t work:
Field Label Field Name & ID
Email email
Phone Number phone_number

Hi all,

Very helpful! Is there a way to exclude drop-down fields from the script? I don’t want my GDPR compliance field to auto-fill (it’s a dropdown).

Any help is much appreciated!


  • August 27, 2018

Can anyone update this please,

we’re trying to follow the code instructions but it seems we can’t implement it correctly.
no forms has been autofill but there was a data save in the browser.


  • September 17, 2018

I would also like to know if there is an update available. We’ve been using this code for some time and until recently it has been working perfectly. Now it no longer auto-fills the field information. Any suggestion or updates into what might be able to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.


How can we reset the stored data? i want to reset all data then want to store new data after submit button click. I have few hidden fields that update based on select option. That’s why i want to reset all data then store new data.


For anyone who comes here and is trying to implement this code and wondering why it will not save your email address? - evidently UB has started tagging the email field as "input type=‘email’ - so you will need to add another loop in both the write and read functions.

Here is what I used for each:
for save:

	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='email']").each(function(i, obj) {
	fieldValue = obj.value;
	fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
	localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID] = fieldValue;
	console.log(fieldID + ": " + fieldValue);

and for retrieve:

	$(".lp-pom-form input[type='email']").each(function(i, obj) {
	fieldID = obj.getAttribute("id");
	fieldSavedValue = localStorage[ls_prepend+fieldID];
	if(fieldSavedValue != undefined && fieldSavedValue != "" && fieldSavedValue != null) {
		obj.value = fieldSavedValue;
		console.log("Filled " + fieldID);

Unbounce Community Team
  • Sr Agency Programs Manager
  • January 8, 2020

Thanks so much for sharing this update here, @Barry_Elk!! This is super helpful 🙂



hey everyone,
I am trying to get this to function on an upsell page for an additional product. Both pages have the form in a lightbox, so I have tried placing the provided code within the javascript of the page and the lightbox, but I it doesn’t seem to be able to bring it over. any ideas?

page 1: (forwards to next page after form submission)
page 2:

This is AWESOME Brian! Thank you so much!


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