
Learn how to set up Google Analytics 4 variant tracking in Unbounce

Related products: Unbounce Integrations
Learn how to set up Google Analytics 4 variant tracking in Unbounce

Hello everyone!

We’ve made improvements to variant tracking for Unbounce pages in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This update allows GA4 users to better understand variant-specific performance with the variant_id property included for all events—including page_view, form events, and the enhanced metrics that GA4 collects like scroll and form_start.

If you’re already using GA4 with Unbounce you’ll want to take these steps to implement the update:
1. Re-save GA4 in your Script Manager

2. Re-publish all pages that have the GA4 script applied

Here is a video walkthrough of those steps:

And if you haven’t yet integrated GA4 with Unbounce, there are detailed instructions right here for getting started, creating custom dimensions to use variant_id in reports, and tracking form submissions as conversions.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for the updated variant tracking to populate in GA4.

I understand that the page itself is sent as an event, but how do I see the conversion and % of conversion tracking against this?