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Hey there!

Denise here – Product Designer for the Content Builder team! Here at Unbounce, we’re constantly striving to deliver an excellent experience across all of our products.

Now that we have Inline Text Editing in labs (if you haven’t tried it out, please do and let us know what you think here) I’m able to start digging into something that we know has been a frustration. That’s our Mobile Responsive feature and I want to hear from you!

How can our Mobile Responsive feature be better? What frustrations do you encounter when using this feature? How often do these occur? What kind of functionality would you like to see in Mobile Responsive v2?

What frustrates you the most with our Mobile Responsive solution?

  • Desktop and mobile views are linked, therefore my elements shift when I build my mobile page.

  • There aren’t enough views and devices that my page can be optimized for.

  • I have to manually build my mobile page even if I’ve already carefully built my desktop page. I want you to automatically do this for me.

  • My images are not scaling and optimizing properly on mobile.

  • Other: Please leave your feedback below.


Be as candid as you can be and as descriptive as possible! I am looking forward to hearing your honest feedback! If you’re passionate about mobile and are interested in chatting more, let me know in your reply and I can reach out to you directly! : )


This. 🌲

Retina Retina Retina or High Resolution Mobile Devices when it comes to images and logos.

My number one Point that I would love to see changed is:

Please unlink elements from the desktop view

Furthermore I would like to see analytics for mobile vs desktop.


@Denise_Villanueva Thanks Denise! I didn’t know this existed! I’ll have a look 🙂

And great news you are on the case with the forms 🙂

Totally agree with @Nicholas

There should be a specific view for tablets and better image resolution quality in all devices.

Hi Denise

What is important to me in v2?

More breakpoints (tablets, etc.)

Ability to change text alignment based on device (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)



<---- this. The images look pixelated when shown on mobile even if we use high-res

I would like to answer with all of the above

Hey Brendan! @digibomb Glad to hear from you again!

All great points here. Such a robust list : )

Some questions to clarify:

  • For the landscape view, landscape for both mobile and tablet? Are there specific sizes that you would like to see?

  • We currently have font scaling in mobile - what exactly do you mean by this? Do you mean being able to completely change the font size in the mobile view?

  • Can you expound on what you mean by ‘off-canvas’?

You’re definitely in my list of testers! ; ) Thanks so much for taking the time to leave feedback!

-Denise and @Jordana

Hi @Will_Dickinson

Thank you for the feedback! This is for sure something I can bring up with our Education team. What do you think would be some of those common frustrations that new users, or even yourself when you first began, may come across?

-Jordana and @Denise_Villanueva

Hey @latearrival!

Thanks so much for the feedback! Retina support has come up quite a bit during this thread – really good to know that that’s very important to you guys. Would you be able to clarify which background image hack do you mean?

Wondering if @Justin might know what this is too.

Yeah I agree, not being able to see your two breakpoints is tough when there certainly are things that may change/shift. This is definitely a good point.

Ooooh yes. Currently the hack is to reparent elements in a box. Grouping is something that we’ve also been talking about lately here.

-Denise and @Jordana

No prob 😛

  • For the landscape view, landscape for both mobile and tablet? Are there specific sizes that you would like to see?

Yes, it would be great to have landscape for both. In terms of “sizes” that is tough. Sticking with teh standards would make most sense. There’s some good info here

  • We currently have font scaling in mobile - what exactly do you mean by this? Do you mean being able to completely change the font size in the mobile view?

Yes, being able to completely change it by pixel or percentage for mobile use without having to show hide copy.

  • Can you expound on what you mean by ‘off-canvas’?

Mobile navigation. Jason Weaver doe s a really good job of breaking this down. But, basically fly-out menus.

Can’t wait to test! 😊

Hi Jordana,

This is too deep to email as I type literally 25 WPM accurately.

Please call me at the number(s) below or reply with your direct number.

Thank you.



Hey @CT_MYandSG!

Currently no, but this is such a valuable point. We will definitely look into AMP and FB instant articles. This has become a huge point of discussion among Product Designers here at Unbounce in the last few days as well. Thank you for bringing this up. Such a cool functionality!

-Denise and @Jordana

Hey @DewaldtHuysamen!

Retina support and Hi-res on mobile has come up a lot in this post – thanks for leaving your feedback!

-Denise and @Jordana

Hey @inboundbear!

Both of these have come up a lot! For the unlinking elements though, would you want them to completely be separated in both views or just some elements?

Thanks for leaving your feedback! : )

-Denise and @Jordana

Hi Denise

Here’s the Retina image hack:



Awesome! Let me know what you think of it when you try it out! : )

@Nayon @ChurchillKnight @Zhizhong_Neo

Thanks so much for leaving your feedback guys! This is awesome stuff. Jordana and I are loving all the insights that are coming in and knowing exactly where your pain points are : )

-Denise and @Jordana

Hey @Aleks!

Yes, I totally understand this pain re: text alignment. It would make it easier to build and design the perfect landing page experience in both breakpoints if you were able to control this.

Thanks so much for leaving your feedback!

-Denise and @Jordana

I might be covered by other posts, but I find it SO frustrating if I make changes to my desktop version, and don’t pay attention to the changes it also does to my mobile version. Often it has totally screwed up the mobile, which then need adjustments again. I would like to say, somewhere, that I am happy with whatever version I am NOT working on, and freeze that version, so it doesn’t change any longer no matter what I do with the other one.

Hey @PappaBravo!

Yes I agree and that has come up a lot in this post! Thanks so much for leaving your feedback!

-Denise and @Jordana

I know this is covered about, but (+) 1 for Tablets. I still think Unbounce is a great mobile solution, but a tablet view would be awesome!

Separating mobile vs desktop analytics would be awesome!

It might be interesting to have the ability to unlink elements between the desktop and mobile view by section. I know it’s sometimes really handy to have thinks linked, but other times not so much.
