What is the best way to share a landing page internally prior to publishing? Or even after publishing without messing up the numbers?

  • 2 December 2020
  • 9 replies

I’m looking for the best way to share and not mess up the numbers. The team wants to see it and it is impractical to get all their IPs to block!

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Hey Joe, just to make sure I’m understanding – you’re looking to share your landing page with your team for feedback without impacting your page stats?

If that’s the case, I’m going to tag some of the @Community-Leaders here because each of them have a unique way of doing this.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there!

Since blocking all their LPs is not optional, perhaps duplicating the page and sharing that URL might be helpful?

If they don’t need to experience a live version, you could also use a Chrome Plugin to screen capture the entire LP in one PNG or JPG for you to share with the team.

If anyone has any other methods that don’t involve inviting team members to the account, I’d also love to know!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Duplicating the page is probably your best bet if its a concern.

The screencapture method is helpful as well, like Stefano mentioned. We use a Chrome extension called Bubbles for that. https://www.usebubbles.com/

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

We also always duplicate our pages for a proofing version internally. For clients we like to share a PDF which we create using this chrome extension and upload into Ziflow.

Wow. A ton of helpful hints all within an hour!

Badge +3

25-person agency here, with 5-6 folks involved in each build, plus clients.

Agreed on duplicating the page – only way to do it post-launch. If I’m sharing with with a client early on, I launch it at unbouncepages.com/whatever, then nuke the stats before pushing live at the right domain.

Userlevel 5
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I do the same as you, Adam.

But i guess this problem really depends on the volume you’ll get on your campaign.
If you plan to spend a lot of trafic, 50-100 internal visitors won’t make an impact in the end.
Still it would be nice to have an option to reset trafic from a variant or maybe to not count trafic on a variant which trafic is set to 0% ?

Smart. Thanks for sharing. This helps a lot.

Userlevel 6
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Hi @DisruptionJoe. We mostly use the same live URL for everything. We analyze everything in Google Analytics and can easily filter out the visits we don’t want to include in our analysis by excluding certain traffic sources (like direct/none etc). For optimizing purposes we mostly only look at specific traffic sources, so whatever is not tagged we can simply disregard.

During testing of a landing page we also make sure to tag the page so we can easily recognize the visits by adding UTM parameters like this ?utm_campaign=test&utm_source=test&utm_medium=test

For proof-reading and feedback from clients we always use Pastel which saves both us and the client a ton of time. You simply add the page URL and Pastel creates a canvas where you can click and add comments or changes.

Hope this helps 😊
