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Here is an example of my problem.

How can I create redirect from to My plan is to remove the redirect whenever landing page is ready.

Any thoughts on this?

Hello Pekka!

There are two ways you could go about doing this:

  • The first would be to create a redirect as you outlined in your question

  • The other would be to manage your pages’ display URLs in Unbounce

  1. You could set up a 302 (temporary) redirect with your hosting provider to push visitors from ‘’ to '’.

Certain hosting providers allow you to easily create redirects while it is somewhat more complicated with others. If you want to use this method, your best bet is to email your hosting provider and ask them to create the redirect for you.

The downside of using this approach is that as you pointed out, you will have to eliminate the redirect once you are ready to launch your other landing page.

  1. You can also manage your page URLs within Unbounce without needing to set up a redirect by just changing the display URL for your pages.

Let’s say you have two landing pages: ‘free-promo’ and ‘sign-up’. You plan to launch ‘free-promo’ first and want it to appear at ‘’ until you launch ‘sign-up’ at which point you want it to appear at ‘’ instead.

From the page overview screen, you could initially set the display URL for ‘free-promo’ to '’. When the time comes, you can revisit the page overview screen and change its display URL to ‘’ instead.

Once you launch your new landing page ‘sign-up’, you could then set its display URL to ‘’ without ever having to deal with a redirect.

You can find more information about changing a page’s display URL at…

If you have any other questions about setting this up, feel free to send us an email to

Thank you. This is all I need.

I have a wordpress site on godaddy with url

I want to host my unbounced landing page to is this possible??

or if I create a custom domain with name at unbuounce then what setting I need to do at godaddy to show my page , or is it vsible on automatically.

Hi Reshma - if you already have a site at, you won’t be able to host an Unbounce page (or a page on any other host) at

So, you will need to create a sub-domain like for your Unbounce pages. You’ll need to create a CNAME with your DNS registrar and also add the domain to your Unbounce account. You can find detailed instructions on that here:…

Hi guys, just so this is saved somewhere.

My problem was similar, we wanted to redirect the old landing page (URL) to the current new LP (URL).

It is not 100% satisfying but, there is a java script that redirects the user to the new LP:

Simple add this JS to the old page and redirect to the new URL:


Redirect to a URL  and  pass through URL parameters and #anchor fragments

window.location.replace('' + + window.location.hash );


Have a good one

Bernd Jahnke

Thank you for making this so very easy, you rock!

The second JS code worked perfectly. Thanks!
