How about an Unbounce Agency version?

  • 22 November 2011
  • 29 replies

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29 replies

Good stuff, keep them coming!

To me, a whitelabel/Agency version would be a very suitable upsell for current clients who already use PPC campaign managment services.

I need to be able to organize my clients (with multiple locations each). An ability to create “buckets” or folders would be helpful. (Unless it already exists and I don’t know it.)

Hi, a White label version would be nice we can charge our clients. Also a multi-user account, such as a read-only account.

We have a manager in our company we want them to have read-only to check LP Conversions and download CSVs


Great idea.

It would be great to have a scaling price structure for smaller agencies who are ramping up that is a function of the number of accounts.

Accreditation, advanced training program would definitely be useful. What about whitelabel training videos and tutorials for the end users?

Make it so the agency administrator has the option of changing a client’s permission settings (some clients may want to be more involved than others, some would be able to make changes on their own, some should just have access to reports).

Automatic alerts in reporting: maybe a weekly email summary?
