Exit Popup / Exit Overlay

Are they called Exit Popups? We want to show a popup on exit if someone decides to head to the close icon.

This would really enable us with more leverage, adding promos, or an alternative call to action.

I have found a bad example, but you can see what I mean http://www.contractor-tax-solutions.c…

37 replies

Good news… I just made a small tweak and got it to work. Many thanks Dan!

No problem Dan, I will take a close look.

Hi Chris, Sorry I can’t offer support for this.

However you should check that the "

Hi Dan,
Well, I just tried this and it didn’t work when I tested it. Don’t know what I did wrong.

Can you help?

" rel="nofollow" title="Link: http://beeker.io/lab/exit-intent-popup/bioep.min.js"\>"\>http://beeker.io/lab/exit-intent-popup/bioep.min.js"\>;


Actually people don’t like pop-ups that are quite annoying, especially those pop-ups from adware. So don’t abuse pop-ups, as visitors do not like them so much.

I would try what Dan recommended and clearing your cache. If that doesn’t work, feel free to get in touch with us directly and we’ll take a look: 

Try clearing your cache. Occasionally this happens for me. But when I refresh the page. It’s fixed. 

Mabye somebody could help me with that. The exit overlay works but as you can see it’s not in the center of my hompepage. Is there a way to adjust hit?

Thanks for your feedback! 

Hey Simone, we just posted an article on exit overlays that I think you’d benefit from. You can find it over here: /topics/how-to-use-exit-overlays-and-say-goodbye-to-lost-conv…

Thanks, Mohammed!  Will keep this in mind 🙂

Much appreciated,


Hi Justin,
I’m awaiting sign off  from a client as we speak. Its not going to fully integrated into Unbounces form system, so I won’t be able to measure directly the views to conversion ratio or A/B test it, that would be nice!  However, I will be able to measure total signs ups and it will be interesting to see if they increase or decrease after the form is added. Its not ideal I know. But its the best I can do at the moment. If you can help me find more clients that would want this and are happy to be fully integrated into Unbounce, then let me know! :)   

It’s a good plugin but does have some bugs. If you’re embedding the timer in email, it doesn’t always show with gmail users.

There’s also a UI problem with the plugin, that makes it a bit difficult to get the embed code.

They’ve got a good support team, and a refund policy. So it doesn’t work out for you, they’ll help you solve it or get a refund.

all the best!

Thanks for sharing the knowledge, Mohammed!  🙂 do you recommend the plugin having used it for a while?

Sure! 🙂 It’s a plugin I got from: http://outtatimr.com/ 

Hi Mohammed,

Enjoyed your landing page and can see how the exit popup can only help save destined bouncers.  In addition, I really enjoyed the countdown timer you are utilizing.  Love the implied urgency!  Any chance you could help a fellow unbouncer out with how to get that countdown timer?  Well done 🙂

Warmest regards,


The exit popup helped me to capture visitors who were bouncing. You can take a look at our landing page & exit popup here: http://easyhome.vakilhousing.com/vakil-marigold/ . 

Happy to hear that, Mohammed! Do you have any stats to show what this did for your conversion rates? 

Hi All,
I’ve tried leadmonster with unbounce to implement exit popups and it works really well!

Hey Justin,

It is on my “Unbounce Testing Chop Block” List! 🙂



Hey Joe! 
I’d be curious to see how this affects your conversion rates. Run this as an A/B test and watch your conversion rates like a hawk, then report back on your findings. Looking forward to hearing back! 

Hey Dan, 
I’m glad you and Joel were able to piece this together! I’m just wondering if you’ve manage to implement this in an A/B test yet, and if so, what your test results have been so far. I’d love to hear if this has helped to boost your conversion rates at all. Let me know!

Thank you, Dan and Joel!!!  Can’t wait to implement this. 

Much appreciated,


Hi Dan,

Thanks so much for the detailed info.  Much appreciated.


Hi Lenny,

I’ve figured out how to make it work, with serious help form Joel McDonald at Unbounce. I’m going to implement it on the next revision of a landing page I am currently working on for a client. I think it will be positive though. Here’s the instructions, assuming I get the messaging right on the Exit Overlay! 

  1. Add this Java Script to your landing page, provided by Beeker.
" rel="nofollow" target="\_blank" title="Link http//beekerio/lab/exit-intent-popup/bioepminjs/script"\>http://beeker.io/lab/exit-intent-popup/bioep.min.js"\>;

Where it reads '
2. I made my Exit Overlay page as a new page in Unbounce and then adjusted the width and height properties in the code above to match my Exit Intent page dimensions in Unbounce. I then added the URL to the code above. The Exit Overlay will then be displayed on your landing page, when you move the cursor off the top of the landing page, after 5 seconds. It will now pull in the new Exit Overlay page your created in Unbounce, which makes super easy to customise! 

  1. Create a second new page in Unbounce called ‘Exit Overlay Redirect’. When the form submits on the Exit Overlay, you need to tell the form to send the visitor to the ‘Exit Overlay Redirect’ page. Otherwise, when the form submits, it will open the next URL inside the Exit Overlay, rather than the Parent window. The only way around this is to tell the Exit Overlay form, to submit to a new page, which contains a redirect script to the parent window and the thankyou/success URL. This will cause the Exit Overlay Thankyou to open in the parent window. Place the following Java Script on the ‘Exit Overlay Redirect’.

After a bit of customisation, you should have a working Exit Overlay!

Props go out to Joel McDonald at Unbounce who found the original code here…


Joel then provided a final workaround to get the Exit Overlay to redirect to the parent window, when the Thankyou needed to be displayed.

Note - if you want specifics on the Beeker JS, checkout the link above if you want to make any modifications, the code is well documented on that page. 

Hope that helps, go for it! 


Hi Dan,

I would love to try out the code and take a look at your instructions.  How is it working for you have you seen positive results?

