Drop-down menu choice to change dynamic text within landing page

  • 13 August 2014
  • 7 replies

I’ve got a drop-down menu on my landing page, with ~8 choices. Now the title of each item gives you a good hint of what you’re choosing between. But I need a short description of each item, this preferably as a dynamic text next to the drop-down menu that updates depending on what choice the customer made in the menu.
This way the customer will be sure he made the right choice before clicking the CTA button and get sent to the checkout with the chosen product.

7 replies

Hello there!

At this point, there isn’t really a way to achieve this within the app. Do you mind if I get a bit more information about your use case though? Mainly, I’m wondering about the variation of options and why they require an explanation. I’m also wondering how you’re driving traffic to these pages.

The great thing about DKI and DTR is you can have complete message match from search query, to ad, to landing page. If your keyword is option one they get landing page one, if their keyword is option two they get landing page two. Generally speaking, you want to stick with the “One Page. One Purpose. Period.” mentality when possible. Too many choices can often paralyze customers.

For a more in depth look into this one, I suggest checking out this great article on our blog titled ‘Is Too Much Choice Killing Your Conversion Rates’? http://unbounce.com/conversion-rate-o…

Looking forward to hearing back on this one!

Hi and thanks for the reply!

My company offers courses within the IT and business sector. For this particular page we have banner on an informational webpage about a certain business model. When you click the banner you get the basic information about our benefits, USP and so on. The CTA is to book a course, and the different choices are the different levels of the course, from basic to advanced and a few specialized areas.

But we might be doing changes to our website so that choice can be easily made there instead.

Hello again!

Thanks for the follow-up here. This definitely gives me a bit more insight into what you’re trying to achieve.

At the moment, we don’t have any direct way to implement this within the app, but there are a few options available that could work in place of this.

#1. The first (and most basic) solution would be to simply create short descriptions in mice-type below the form.

#2. The second would be to create a bit of text that includes hyperlinks for ‘basic, advanced, specialized’ and have them open in a light-box style pop-up window to include their descriptions. You can find instructions on how to implement this here: http://support.unbounce.com/entries/3…

#3. The last option would be similar to #2, but instead of light-boxes you could use tool tips that pop-up when you hover over the words. You would need to know your way around some code to implement this, but a quick google search shows that it’s possible: http://jqueryui.com/tooltip/

I know these solutions aren’t exactly what you were looking for, but I hope they’re enough to at least point you in the right direction. If anyone else in the community has thoughts on how to tackle this I’d love to hear them!

Hello again!

Thanks for the follow-up here. This definitely gives me a bit more insight into what you’re trying to achieve.

At the moment, we don’t have any direct way to implement this within the app, but there are a few options available that could work in place of this.

#1. The first (and most basic) solution would be to simply create short descriptions in mice-type below the form.

#2. The second would be to create a bit of text that includes hyperlinks for ‘basic, advanced, specialized’ and have them open in a light-box style pop-up window to include their descriptions. You can find instructions on how to implement this here: http://support.unbounce.com/entries/3

#3. The last option would be similar to #2, but instead of light-boxes you could use tool tips that pop-up when you hover over the words. You would need to know your way around some code to implement this, but a quick google search shows that it’s possible: http://jqueryui.com/tooltip/

I know these solutions aren’t exactly what you were looking for, but I hope they’re enough to at least point you in the right direction. If anyone else in the community has thoughts on how to tackle this I’d love to hear them!

Thanks again! That’s some fair options, but I think we’ve decided to change our CTA from straight to booking, to get more information instead. As we’ve realized the cost is quite high, and the probability that someone will buy a course for $1000+ directly after clicking a banner is small. It would be better to give them all material needed to persuade the person in charge at their company.

Hi, is this option still not available within Unbounce? We are look to link to different pages based on the selection made from the drop down menu in a form on the original landing page.

Hi Debbie, 
We don’t have the ability to do that at this time, but you could implement a third party form solution such as Wufoo that can take care of this for you. Take a look here
