
[How to] Create Angled Page Sections (aka False Bottoms)

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Thanks for the workaround, @Stefano. This makes sense.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hey @hellojules

So we worked around this by setting both sections above and below the panel with the image background to have angles, so that the background image does not break.

Let me know if you need a hand getting this to work!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4


I am actually experiencing the exact same thing. If I come up with a solution before @Noah does, I will post it here 🙌

This is awesome! However, I’m running into a bit of a snag with this. My sections are showing up choppy when I add an image as a background. Any suggestions?

Userlevel 7

Good question @Michelle. To change the angle of a bottom, you need to change the skewY value from a negative to a positive and change the transform-origin value from 100% to 0% (and do the opposite for a top). Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

This is an awesome script, by the way! 👍

Question: How can you make it so that it angles the other way (aka angles up to the left)?

HNNNNNNNGH It’s a great time to be an Unbounce power user. 😃

Agreed on CSS4! These guys are going to have a field day with that framework. 😃

That’s really awesome (and super lightweight - it’ll keep that quality score intact! 😃 ). I’m excited to see what kind of neat stuff is about to start happening thanks to CSS4, if this is any indicator of what we can expect. Thanks, @Noah!

Userlevel 7

Awesome @Stefano, happy to hear this will help 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +4


We were replicating this effect using background images, but this will be so much neater & easier to manage!

Thank you!

Love it @Noah! These scripts are 🔥.

Keep 'em coming!
