Adding custom validation to form fields

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Thanks a lot, Kyle! This would definetly helps!

Hey @claudias! For your specific implementation it may be the case that you’re calling the .validator method before (document).ready. Try including your script in a $(document).ready block.

It would look something like this:
$(document).ready(function () { /* your script*/ });

If that doesn’t work, we can keep digging!

that is instead of my first line right?
it would look like:

    $(document).ready(function () { 
    	    var ruleID = 'range';
    	    var field = 'valor_monetario';
    	    var message = 'El valor debe ser entre $500,000 MXN y $20,000,000 MXN.';
    	    var rules =[field];
    	    $.validator.addMethod(ruleID, function(value, field) {
    	      var valid = ( value >= 500000 && value <=20000000 )
    	      return valid || (!rules.required && !value);
    	    }, message);
    	    rules[ruleID] = true;


not working 😦

Userlevel 2

@claudias @mccamon Sorry, this one’s on us – we made a behind-the-scenes change a few days ago that is causing the errors you’re seeing. We’re testing a fix at the moment and are aiming to have that in place tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. I’ll update this thread when the fix has been released.

@Mark_Wainwright Do you have any update on this? Seems every-time I get into work this problem is getting worse not better.
I currently have at least three different contingencies to deal with Unbounce not having loaded validation in early enough…

Just to further my last reply… I’ve been working at this for several hours today… then I noticed that a script I had deleted 4-5 hours before was still appearing in the final published version… (multiple saves, republishes, set to 1% republish set to 0% republish)…
I was then trying to explain to my superior exactly what was going on… then Refreshed not republished the page. (Keep in mind I’ve republished and refresh many times.) The script that I deleted earlier vanished, and the script I’ve been trying to debug suddenly started to work…
Is it worth my doing any work at the moment until I can be sure what I see in the landing page reflects what is in the editor?

Userlevel 5

@TimothyDO @claudias @mccamon

Correct me if I’m wrong @Mark_Wainwright I believe the Unbounce team corrected the “behind-the-scenes” change this past Friday (7th of September) and scripts should now be working as they should.

Userlevel 2

@claudias @mccamon @TimothyDO

You’re correct @Kyle.C, we pushed out a fix for this on Friday afternoon (apologies for not updating this thread sooner). You’ll just need to republish any affected pages, popups, or sticky bars.

Sorry again for the inconvenience – and please reach out to our support team if you experience any further issues.

I’m still getting the same error 😦

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addMethod’ of undefined

Userlevel 5

Hey @claudias

Where is the field named “valor_monetario” I don’t see that in your form or as any of the form Id’s.

The script is looking for that field to validate the entry, but it doesn’t exist and therefore is undefined.

It is hidden until the user selects an option from the combo box, but it exists in the Dom

I even added another js and has the same problem:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of undefined

We’ve been having similar issues with numerous things now.
Main issue has been the custom validation we run for phone numbers from Data8. We get the AddMethod issue on that one. (pretty much the same as @cladius’s original issue)
We also use Selectize.js on some forms which we’ve had to get rid of. I also tried choosen.js which came up with the same error. (both widely recognised jquery plugins) Ended up falling back to vanilla html multi selects for that.
There is definitely some load order issues happening at the moment. Worst thing is that things are changing in the background so one day something breaks, I managed to get it running again, next day a differenent or similar issue starts.

@claudias Adding a 500ms setTimeout fixed a similiar issue for us.

I’ll try it! thanks!

No coding experience here, but wondering if it was possible to exclude all emails from an email form field that are not “.org” or “.edu” email addresses. Anyone have any idea how to do this?

Thank you!

Wondering if anyone has had any luck using this script to validate a URL in a field?

I’m experiencing this issue right now. ‘cannot set property myCustomHoneypot of undefined’ . In the console I look for the lp object and it simply isn’t there. What changed?

Same for me

Hi. I need to add custom validation to multiple form fields. Can I do this in one script? And should it be Before Body End Tag?

One of our developers sent us this code for the transitions but I’m not clear on how to incoporate it into this script. Thanks in advance for any help!

//Validating First Name

if( strlen(trim($_POST[‘first_name’])) > 0 ){
first_name = trim(_POST[‘first_name’]);
if ( $first_name != strip_tags($first_name) ){
array_push($error, ‘First Name do not allow HTML Tags’);
array_push($error, ‘First Name is required’);

//Validating Last Name

if( strlen(trim($_POST[‘last_name’])) > 0){
last_name = trim(_POST[‘last_name’]);
if ( $last_name != strip_tags($last_name) ){
array_push($error, ‘Last Name do not allow HTML Tags’);
array_push($error, ‘Last Name is required’);

//Validating Email Address

if( strlen(trim($_POST[‘email_address’])) > 0 ){
email = trim(_POST[‘email_address’]);
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
$lead = $enrollment->get_row(“SELECT et_lead_id FROM wp_et_leads where et_lead_email_address=’” . $enrollment->et_open_encrypt(strtolower($email)) . “’”);
//Checking any lead is already registered with this same email id.
if (isset($lead->et_lead_id) && $lead->et_lead_id != ‘’) {
array_push($error, ‘Email address already exist’);
$login = $enrollment->get_row(“SELECT et_short_code_slug FROM wp_et_short_codes where et_short_code_name = ‘[et_show_login_from_mail]’”);
//redirecting to the login page.
if (isset($login->et_short_code_slug) && $login->et_short_code_slug != ‘’) {
header(“Location: " . site_url($login->et_short_code_slug.’/?email=’.$email.’&action=emailexits’));exit;
header(“Location: " . site_url('login/?email=”’.$email.’”&action=emailexits’));exit;
array_push($error, ‘Invalid Email Address’);
array_push($error, ‘Email Address is required’);

//Validating Phone Number

if( strlen(trim($_POST[‘phone_number’])) > 0 ){
phone_number = trim(_POST[‘phone_number’]);
$numStripX = array(’(’, ‘)’, ‘-’, ‘.’, ‘+’,’ ‘);
$numCheck = str_replace($numStripX, ‘’, $phone_number);
$phone_number_int = $numCheck;
$firstNum = substr($numCheck, 0, 1);
$phone_valid = true;
if(($firstNum == 0) || ($firstNum == 1)) {$phone_valid = false;}
else if(!is_numeric($numCheck)){$phone_valid = false;}
else if(strlen($numCheck) > 10){$phone_valid = false;}
else if(strlen($numCheck) < 10){$phone_valid = false;}
$formats = array(’###-###-####’, ‘### ### ####’, ‘(###) (###) (####)’, ‘(###) ###-####’, ‘(###)###-####’,’(###) ### - ####’, ‘##########’, ‘###.###.####’, ‘(###) ###.####’, ‘(###)###.####’);
$format = preg_replace("/[0-9]/", “#”, $phone_number);
if(in_array($format, $formats)){
$phone_valid = true;
$phone_valid = false;
if($phone_valid == false){
array_push($error, ‘Invalid Phone Number’);
array_push($error, ‘Phone Number is required’);

//Validating Zipcode

if(strlen(trim(_REQUEST['zip_code'])) > 0){ if(strlen(trim(_REQUEST[‘zip_code’])) >= 3 ){
zip = trim(_REQUEST[‘zip_code’]);
if(strlen($zip) < 5){
$zip = strlen($zip) == 3 ? (‘00’ . $zip) : (strlen($zip) == 4 ? (‘0’ . $zip) : $zip );
$states = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT zip, state, city, service_status FROM wp_et_states WHERE zip = '” . $zip . “’ LIMIT 1”);
array_push($error, ‘Invalid Zip Code’);
if($states->service_status < 1){
array_push($error, ‘We’re sorry, CESI does not offer debt management services in your state. Please visit our blog for free financial education and resources.’);
$state = $states->state;
$city = $states->city;
array_push($error, ‘Invalid Zip Code’);

//Validating State from zipcode

if(strlen(trim($state)) > 0){
if(trim($state) != ‘’) {
$states = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT et_eligible_states_id,et_eligible_states_status,et_eligible_states_non_eligible_action FROM wp_et_eligible_states WHERE et_eligible_states_name = '” . $state . “’ LIMIT 1”);
if(isset($states) && $states->et_eligible_states_id != ‘’){
if($states->et_eligible_states_status==0 && $states->et_eligible_states_non_eligible_action==‘not-licensed’){
if(!in_array(‘We’re sorry, CESI does not offer debt management services in your state. Please visit our blog for free financial education and resources.’, $error)){
array_push($error, ‘We’re sorry, CESI does not offer debt management services in your state (’.$state.’). Please visit our blog for free financial education and resources.’);
if(!in_array(‘We’re sorry, CESI does not offer debt management services in your state. Please visit our blog for free financial education and resources.’, $error)){
array_push($error, ‘We’re sorry, CESI does not offer debt management services in your state (’.$state.’). Please visit our blog for free financial education and resources.’);

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @KellyCESI,

The code your developer gave you looks like PHP.

You won’t be able to use it directly with your Unbounce landing page. You can only add/edit the front-end part of the page - HTML/CSS/JS.

You have a couple of options:

  1. Host this PHP script on your server and write a JS script that would ping it when a visitor tries to submit the form.

  2. Rewrite the above as a JS script


Thanks, Hristian! Go figure we are speaking 2 languages and I don’t speak either 😉

I let our developer know.

Hi @Johnny_Opao,

Do you have anything similar for Radio Buttons / Checkboxes? I.e. Can you set the “error message” to be triggered if Option A is selected instead of Option B on a certain checkbox in the form? Thanks, Nico

@Mark_Wainwright Thanks for a great solution, but I found an issue and dont know how to fix it.

Trying to implement this on multistep form (Multi-Field, Multi-Step Form 🔥). But validation pops up right in the beginning (even though the validation field is at the end of the multistep form), without letting me to proceed. could you help me out please 🙂

