Youtube Video Mobile View

  • 8 September 2015
  • 7 replies

Is there a way for a youtube video to resize (like an image does) for mobile view? Every time I set it up for mobile, it gets cut off.

Screenshots of mobile view attached.  

7 replies

Hi Katy! 
It looks like this one hasn’t received a response yet, so I’m going to pass it over to my customer success team to see if they can dive in to your page directly and figure out what the issue is. Hang tight, Katy!

Hi Justin,

I am having the same issue as Katy. Can you please provide a solution?


I too am having the same issue… Is the solution a secret?

Please share…

Here’s the link:



So it’s a secret!

Don’t you think that questions marked ANSWERED should provide the ANSWER within the ANSWERED thread?

Otherwise, the rest of the thread  gets IGNORED

Because this question still needs an ANSWER, a solution, a workaround…

Hi Craig + Yulia, 
Apologies for the delay here! These issues were resolved in support tickets, but I’ll leave the answer here as well just in case someone else runs into this issue.

If you load up the embed code for your vide, it should look like this:

``` With the width and height set to 100%, your youtube video should resize automatically to the size of the containing box. If the height and width are hard-coded with a pixel value (eg 560px), then the video may exceed the size of the container in mobile.  
Also, just a heads up, while the Unbounce Community **is** a great resource to connect with your fellow marketers, it's not usually the best way to get answers to support related questions. If anything is urgent I recommend getting in touch with our awesome support team at []( so you can get an answer ASAP. 

Hi Craig, 

Sorry for the miscommunication here. Generally when we open support tickets from Community threads, we update the original thread with the solution and it looks like it didn’t happen this time. Just for future reference, the Community is mostly marketer-to-marketer, so if you ever need to get in touch with our team directly feel free to reach out to (which I see you did in this case). 

Glad you were able to (eventually) find a solution, though! :) 

Thanks Justin! I appreciate your help.
