When I click on a link that go to a form (or an anchor), the first click loose the stylesheet of the CSS

  • 28 August 2012
  • 3 replies

Hi There,

I created a link on the text “s’inscrire” which go the form of collecting emails.

Before I click on “s’inscrire”, The page look like this.

Then, I Click for the first time on “s’inscrire”.

When the click is done, I loose the stylesheet of my Css and I see that.

Then, I click on “s’inscrire” for the second time.
As a result, I go to the form.

Is it a bug or can I resolve the problem ?
and Sorry for my english

3 replies

Glad to hear it!

Hello Ryan and thanks a lot for the answer.
I encountered the problem in the preview.

After your answer, I tried to publish and the problem doesn’t appear.

Salut Marc-Antoine,

There definitely appears to be an issue here. Could you forward the URL for the page in question to us at support@unbounce.com and let us know if you encountered this issue in Preview or at the published URL? We’ll be sure to dig in once we have that information.
