Uptade for hidden Phone Numbers

  • 1 October 2015
  • 2 replies

Hi guys! I have some problems with some clients reports. They’re all use the unbounce platform, as web sites. And we can’t compute the number of calls that our work (google adwords) generates.

There is a way to you guys, create a tool for hide the phone number?

Then if the client don’t want to fill the contact forms - and prefer to make a phone call. He has to click at the hidden phone number, to complete number, shows up! Like these example: http://e-tab.com.br/ …im sure, that will be a great update!!!

2 replies

Ola Paula,

Not sure I got your question right but I think you might be able to mimic what has been done there in Unbounce.

After inspecting the page this what I got but, I must warn you that javascript is not my strength.

To do:

Add the following script on your page in Unbounce:

With the title: trackerTelefone

$('.trackerTelefone').live('click', function(){



  window.google_conversion_id = ########;

window.google_conversion_language = "##";

window.google_conversion_format = "#";

window.google_conversion_color = "#########";

window.google_conversion_label = "########";

window.google_remarketing_only = ####;

  document.write = function(node){



  $.getScript("http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js").done(function() {});


Make sure to change the google details to your AdWords account:

You can see what would be your google conversion details by going to your AdWords account > Tools > Conversions > Click on the conversion you wish to track > Check the box that says Tag for Lead and replace the following values for: 


Go onto the page you wish to change and add the following HTML code to your page where you wish the phone number to appear:

                      Ligue agora:                      (51) 3595.                      7900                      ver nœmero

Make sure to change the wording , appearance and contact details to what you want

You can find an example of this here: http://forms.impactteachers.com/trackerphone/

Let me know if you prefer the instructions in Portuguese 😉

I didn’t test if it correctly tracks the conversion so you might need to test that on your end.

Hope this helps,

Simao Pedro

Ps. From a conversion point of view this might not be bulletproof since it will track the click on the link not the call, some people might click to show the number but they won’t call.

This would be a good idea!
I often use a tracking number that forwards to the clients number to track the calls. However that costs extra £££
