Unbounce as home page

Is it possible to use Unbounce landing page only as home page sharing the same domain or subdomain with more content?


7 replies

Hmmmmm I like that idea, and maybe vice versa, feeds could go both ways, to and from Unbounce pages for Dynamic content updates. Possibly XML and/or RSS support…

Hmmmmm I like that idea, and maybe vice versa, feeds could go both ways, to and from Unbounce pages for Dynamic content updates. Possibly XML and/or RSS support…

you could build a php site on the desired domain - build a page in unbounce (any url you want) and CURL it into the php site on the index page.


The short answer is no, you can’t. But Stuart may have some magic that makes this more likely.

Out of curiosity why would you want your homepage on Unbounce and the rest of your site php?


Hi Daniel,

The problem you’ll run into is that to host your Unbounce landing page on your root domain you’ll need to create a cname pointer to unbouncepages.com which basically overrides the content from being pulled from your server and uses Unbounces instead, that makes it awkward to host one page on Unbounce and other pages on your own server for the root domain at the same time. 

Now there are a few workarounds, personally I’d suggest this is exactly where the Unbounce WordPress integration comes into it’s own (our whole website is now made of Unbounce landing pages all connected together with Navigation, we have a few issues to iron out but in general it seems to work well and will allow us to A/B test every page on our website, which is so cool!)

That being said you could publish Unbounce to your root domain and use the landing page as a home page and then publish your other page using a subdomain and point your unbounce landing page at that? So you’d get your landing page on example.com and your PHP page on content.example.com giving you the flexibility of having the content sources separate. 

There are other options and I’m around to discuss if you’d like to throw ideas around. 



Thanks Joe,

It isn’t a WordPress website.

I want to know if there is a way to use http://www.website.com to unbounce landing page and http://www.website.com/option1 to show another page (created by me using PHP).


Not quite sure what you mean. If you are using Wordpress then 100% yes.

If you are looking to gave the page replace the homepage of a domain, i.e. As a place holder while a site is built, yes. Point the www version of the page and voila.

You can also post the non www version and have it work too. There is an article in the community. I am on my phone and can’t search for it now.

Let me know if you need anything else.

