Thank You Page - How do you do it?

  • 29 August 2010
  • 9 replies

basic question, how do you handle thank you pages? Currently we are sending them to another published “thank you page” which IMHO clutters the dashboard. Any thoughts?

9 replies

Yes that’s great feedback Henrik. We understand that using multiple Unbounce pages to act as a funnel is less than ideal and have been discussing this very topic a lot recently. Will keep this thread up-to-date with progress - Thanks for the feedback!

You better work directly then on letting people create several landingpages in a row (funnel) and TY page would be just one use case there. Should be tech-wise easier and more logical for clients.

Having a thank-you page after completing a form that doesn’t take you to a new URL is coming in the next couple of weeks (it’s the feature that Oli mentions above). Right off the bat however, these thank-you pages won’t be split testable, but we are certainly thinking about the best way to do that since we know folks will want to A/B test their TY pages as well.

Yes, that probably does the trick. Would be nice if I could do it somehow this way, that I keep them on same URL ( and do not need to create new custom address on every part of my funnel. Is this possible?

Hi Henrik,
If I understand your question correctly, yes you can send users to a TY page after they have completed your lead-gen form. When you select the form in the editor, there is a dropdown menu in the right properties panel labeled “Confirmation”. Change this to “Go to URL” and provide a URL of another Unbounce page that you want to AB test and use as your TY page. Does that help?

But can I make TY-page also as next landingpage? I mean can I direct conversed traffic to next Unbounce page? TY-pages are very important cross selling places and they need their own A/B testing and CTA-s as well.

Cool & Not a problem. Look forward to the feature enhancement.

Haha, love the picture Slider 🙂

To answer your question, what you’re doing right now is the best solution to the problem currently.

However, we will be releasing a new feature in the coming weeks that will allow you to provide a modal thank you page contained within your original landing page. This will make it much simpler, self-contained and will remove the need for the extra page and the associated clutter.

Glad you’re liking Unbounce.


What do you think about the picture?

“This is landing pages without unbounce…”
