Testing out form

  • 23 April 2021
  • 4 replies

How do I test if my form is correctly submitting all form values when in PREVIEW mode?

4 replies

Perfect! Thanks, @leeann_sverko . I have implemented the filters.

Hi @sudar82! LeeAnn from Unbounce here! Unbounce does not capture form submissions information when you are in the preview page. This is so you can test how your form submission functions without impacting your leads and conversion rate.

To test if your form submission is capturing leads I would recommend submitting the form on the live page and then resetting the stats so it does not impact your conversion rate. Hope that helps!


Hi @leeann_sverko, Your reply is what I do, but occasionally I forget to reset before letting the page go live. If I delete my test submissions (or any, for that matter) after I start receiving live submissions, are the conversion rates recalculated on the remaining entries?

Hi @beverlym! Deleting leads will not change the stats, the only way stats can be changed is by resetting them on the overview page. If you will be submitting test leads the best thing to do would be to set up an IP filter. This will stop the leads from being counted in your page stats. Here is some documentation on how you can set that up if you like! https://documentation.unbounce.com/hc/en-us/articles/204326280-Analyzing-Your-Lead-Data

Hope this helps!

