Struggling to get conversions!

Hi Everyone, 

If anyone could spare it I would really appreciate some advice on my landing page. I’m a chiropractor and I have specific landing pages for my main keywords for my PPC campaign. 

Unfortunately I’ve received very few conversions from people who end up on my landing page and can’t seem to figure out what is turning them off the page. The page is 

Any help would be much appreciated.


2 replies

Hi Mark,

Another note on the design, the colors aren’t very appealing. And the “above the fold” Image doesn’t seem to relate to what you’re trying to inform people of. What keywords are you using to drive people to this page? Is the information on the page related to the keywords? 


It is a very big and complicated page. I don’t say that as a negative or a positive, merely a statement of fact. Are you measuring a conversion as a click through to the form or a sign up on the 3rd party site?

 What keywords are you using? I only ask to try and see if message match is an issue.

I would consider making the statement about the insurance higher up on the page.

I would consider making your header/menu “sticky” or incorporate a back to top button.

Maybe you address this in the ads, but you don’t talk about who uses chiropractic services. Are your services just for people with back issues? Maybe adding a little client education component to the page will help people identify with your service offerings.

Also, maybe instead of a conversion being a $95 sale it is a form submit. You could say something like:

“Not sure if chiropractic care is right for you? Fill out this form and Dr. El-Hayek will get back to you and let you know if your condition/ailment meets his care guidelines and tell you about previous patient success stories.”

That way you are providing some security to people that what hurts them is something you can help with. 

Maybe you want to offer a PDF about chiropractic care in exchange for an email? 

It is a good looking page with great information. Make some tweaks with ad copy, landing page copy, do some A/B testing… you’ll start to reel them in!

Good Luck!
