SSL, Secure Form, One Page Checkout, Conversions

  • 18 August 2010
  • 9 replies

Could you give me suggestions on how to host a payment processing page on unbounce? The page would need to be secure, hit an external host (validate the credit card), and of course we would like to track a conversion as a successful payment. To me, this is a two part question.

1 - secure form data? SSL certs? How is that done.

2 - How to use our own forms, communicate with a external source, pass back some sort of result and or page forward and track that as a conversion.

Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to ask questions and our team will provide more input.

9 replies

Just wanted to give an update to this thread. SSL has finally been released for all PRO99 plans and up. Check out the release thread here. Thanks for your continued support for this feature!

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to give you all a quick update and let you know that  SSL is on the way;  and it’s actually a lot closer than you might think! Paul Doerfling, a Product Manager here at Unbounce, just released a quick SSL update in the Community detailing our final timeline for launch (spoiler: it’s soon), as well as a few tidbits about what to expect when it’s live. 

Go check out update and share your thoughts/feedback here.

I’m currently using this technique here:
Not sure if it works as my app still needs to be approved and Facebook will soon require secure pages for the canvas. But its a pretty good solution for what I need it to do.

I love wisekris’ idea. An app page that could be used with Facebook - brilliant!

what if we are just using unbounce? how can we get our pages secure? I’m using unbounce as the canvas page for a facebook “app”. Using the “app” as a portal to a few social sites and as a way to track whos going where from facebook. Facebook is starting to require the canvas page be a secure page. If you get this up and running you can promote this as an easy way to setup a snazzy looking App page.

Still lots of work to do in advance of getting to this. Have you checked out CloudFlare? Some of our customers have used them. They’re a web accelerator AND they let you add SSL to a non-SSL site. That method might not work for all use-cases, but it’s worth checking out!

Hey Carl-

Any update on customer uploaded SSL certs?

Or is there another way to take payments with unbounce?


Hey there!

We don’t yet support customer-uploaded SSL certs. That’s something we have slated to add, but it’s a little further down the roadmap (I assume you want to use your own domain instead of

Conversion tracking for external forms is also something we have on the radar. We’re likely to have that before customer-uploaded SSL certs.

So, I realize those aren’t great answers for you, but that’s where we’re at right now.

Are you using your own proprietary forms/payment processing, or are you using a hosted service? In spite of the fact that we don’t have this today, we definitely want to hear more about what folks are dreaming up with Unbounce…


  • Carl

Anybody out there?
