
  • 30 January 2011
  • 14 replies

Ability to delete all leads when you reset stats… (and maybe add a captcha)

14 replies

cool picture bro

Hey Adam! That’s still on the todo list. Doing what we could behind the scenes to fight spam was step one and will have the biggest impact on the majority of customers. Being able to manually remove leads (and have any associated stats removed as well) is something we’ll still need to do. Baby steps 🙂

Hey Adam! That’s still on the todo list. Doing what we could behind the scenes to fight spam was step one and will have the biggest impact on the majority of customers. Being able to manually remove leads (and have any associated stats removed as well) is something we’ll still need to do. Baby steps 🙂

I would still just love the ability to manually exclude certain conversions… might even be easier for you all? Plenty of conversions are not technically spam - ie a reporter looking for more information is not my customer… I would love to be able to pull those out and see both metrics

Hi all!

Just thought I would give an update here in regards to where we’re at with spam filtering. We’ve come a long way from simply blocking problem IP’s, and just recently we managed to deploy a few tools internally that can help us manage spam faster, and more efficiently.

To give you a bit more info about this, Derek from our Platform team just released a post on our Inside Unbounce blog detailing our new spam filtering techniques, including details about how our new anti-spam tools work and the amount of spam we’re able to catch because of them.

I highly suggest checking out the article here:…

Lastly, if anyone in the community has any questions about these tools or how they impact you as a user - please feel free to ask!

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick update that yesterday we deployed IP Filtering as a feature in the app! Feel free to review the following Unbounce Answers article to learn about the full functionality of this feature (filters for visits, views, and conversions) and how to use it with your Unbounce account:…

This feature does not filter the actual spam form submissions from the IP but at least you’ll be able to filter those spammy IPs from the actual visits, views, and conversion stats of your page.

I agree - I checked with CF and while it looks great for some people, I BOUNCED:(

Just like I am seeing “INTEGRATION ERRORS” with mailchimp… i just want to start x-ing away leads that are worthless to me - at some point so that spam doesnt count towards my cap, but more so so I can really get a better handle on my results.

Thanks team.

Thanks Ryan, unfortunately this service requires handing over our entire DNS to CloudFlare… For a “Business” like ours who’s solution is entirely dependant on DNS availability / performance it would be impossible (maybe even irresponsible) to place control of our DNS with an organisation that are unable to handle large volume DNS traffic (over 1 billion lookups per week) we currently get a 100% guarantee of uptime from Verisign with financial penalties should they have any difficulties. What we need is you guys running a CloudFlare type service on your frontend web servers so we dont have to alter the critical elements of our online infrastructure to run a set of landing pages. I would pay for this as an extra component or upgrade to a more expensive package if it were available. any thoughts? Unbounce Fan!

Hey Colm - thank you for the feedback. As we continue to beef up our bot filtering, you may be interested in checking out CloudFlare. Their free plan adds more security to your pages which will help eliminate a good chunk of the spam you mention and as a bonus, they includes some functionality to help your pages load faster. It’s not exactly the solution you’re after but it’s a pretty solid workaround until we roll out the kind of features you mentioned.

Guys we need this very badly - We hit the cap each month with Unbounce and a very large percentage of this is spam bots - for the service to be effective and to grow a good reputation you guys need to get on top of this - check out the group’s its quite the talking point about this service and others… have a talk with the product team and see what you guys can do please. P.S I would be happy to pay more for the service if this was available as standard. I dont feel good about paying to receive SPAM. rgs an Unbounce Fan!

Thanks for the response. I’d be happy with a Captcha, but filtering would be great too.

Sorry to hear that Scott, Project Honey Pot is definitely on my list of resources to employ when we start improving our bot/spam filtering. I’ve bumped this up on our priority list, it’s for sure something we want to address soon…

Roughly half of my “leads” are from ip addresses in the HonePot Project db of known spamers.…

Hey Adam, thanks for the suggestion! Can totally see that you’d want to be able to delete leads. We’ve had a couple requests for adding captcha, do you get a lot of spam?
