Social media template - ETA?

  • 26 March 2011
  • 4 replies
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When do you expect to launch out the template that includes the Facebook/Twitter functionality?

4 replies

Something else of interest is that LaunchRock has an embeddable widget, that you could put right inside your Unbounce landing page (by pasting their embed code into a “Custom HTML” element on your page.

Where are you looking for the template? It’s not on the website yet - but it is available inside the app when you create a new page.
When you create a new page, you will see the template chooser screen - scroll through the templates and it’s the 9th one in the list.

What it does is have a Facebook Like box and a Twitter “Tweet This” box - that are suggested to use as part of the contest entry process. Instructions are included on the template for how to make them work.

I’ll also be releasing a different style of viral sharing template shortly.

Could you explain a bit more about the unique URL feature you’re looking for?
Is it so that there is a unique URL that your visitors can share for tracking purposes (this isn’t something we do right now).

Hi Oli

Thank you 🙂

I’m keen on having a look at the viral contest template. But after looking through all the templates, can’t seem to find it at all (or am I not looking hard enough?)!

I was hoping for the standard follow/likes widgets. But most of all, I was looking for the ability to generate unique URLs for each subscriber – something similar to what LaunchRock does.

I’ve tested LaunchRock for a week now. And whilst it works great, I still think Unbounce is far more powerful (especially if it can emulate similar functions).

Hi Awesomeness,
Awesome name btw…

What type of FB/TW functionality do you need. If you can give me a list that would help:


  • Follow on TW
  • Like on FB
  • Share on TW
  • Show FB Like Box
  • Twitter favs feed

And what you are hoping they will do for your page(s).

Also what type of pages you’d want them on…

I just added a social viral contest template today - that lets you require that people like you on FB and Tweet your message in order to enter the contest.
