Send an email (confirmation) to the person completing the form

  • 16 January 2014
  • 7 replies

Need a feature that would send an email (confirmation) to the person completing the form and I don’t want to have to have a Mailchimp account.

7 replies

Ron, This is actually pretty easy. I prefer Mailchimp to any other platform because of the field customization options.

You have to be on a pro 99 plan or above.

Go into mailchimp and create a list.

In Unbounce select the Mailchimp integration and sign in. Select the list you just created and then setup any custom fields (remember they have to be all caps and can only take _)

When it asks you if you want to set an auto responder or let mailchimp handle it say let mailchimp handle it.

Back in mailchimp… go to automation (this is only available if you are on a paid account but for $10/mo its worth it).

Now this is where things get FUN! You can pick the automation path you want to use. I typically pick campaign activity or custom. Now you can pick your trigger, design the email, or custom code it… the whole 9 yards.

Good luck! Once you do it 1x you’ll get the hang of it. The one thing I can’t stress enough is test, test, test! Nothing worse than a personalized email that isn’t done right.

How do i set up an auto responder and link it to unboucne from mail chimp?

Userlevel 3
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Hi Ashish - When you set-up the integration for each Unbounce page, you’ll connect that page directly to a corresponding HubSpot form in your account. Any automations set-up for that form in HubSpot should work when a lead submits your Unbounce form as well.

Hi Quinn - thanks for the prompt reply. I believe I should have clarified it better - we already have the Unbounce landing page forms integrated with the HubSpot forms. The question is, how to set up these automated confirmation emails?

If we set up something in HubSpot, will it still work for each form that is submitted via Unbounce?

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Hi Ashish - we do have a Hubspot integration as well. It’s available on any Pro99 (or higher) plan and you can find the set-up instructions for it right here

Hi Johnny,

You mentioned Mailchimp, Aweber and Constant Contact. Any integration with HubSpot to automate confirmation emails?

Userlevel 3

Hi Ken - We don’t have a feature to send out confirmation emails at the moment. So sending confirmation emails to your unbounce leads will require another service such as Mailchimp, Aweber, or ConstantContact.

Alternatively, if your a bit more technically inclined you can setup a webhook to do the job. Check out the support article below on using a webhook. We actually provide a sample script that parses the data and sends an email to the specified user. With a bit of tweaking it may do exactly what your looking for:…

Again this requires some technical expertise so I’d only recommend it if you have some familiarity with programming.
