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Is there a script I can add for this that will work with Unbounce? I want to change the form button text to “please wait…” when a visitor successfully submits the form. This is because it takes a couple of seconds for the next page to load after a form is submitted and I want to reduce the changes of the visitor bouncing.

I found many script examples through Google, but couldn’t get them to work.

Hello Sidney,

If the wait is reasonable you may not have to worry about this.  How long is it taking for the next page to load and do you have any reason to believe that people have been bouncing as the page loads in the past? 

I may not be the best one to help you solve this, but I am sure if you clarify for your specific situation and provide the URL’s that someone in our community can point you in the right direction.

Best of luck,


Hit the nail on the head, Joe. For the most part, the page load speed shouldn’t be an issue after hitting submit. If you _are _seeing a huge delay, then we might want to dig a little deeper into that and try to eliminate the load time somehow. 

If this is something that you would really want to implement though, be sure to share a link to your LP and a few of the example scripts so we can try to take a crack at it. 
