Request A Call Back feature

  • 3 September 2014
  • 2 replies

Please consider creating an option for users browsing after business hours to click a “Request A Call” button. After clicking, the user would submit their name, phone number, & preferred call time (optional), and be informed that a representative will give them a call the next business day.

2 replies

Thank you, Lou.

We are looking into adding live chat to landing pages as well. We would just prefer to have this feature built in to Unbounce instead of a 3rd party tool.

Thanks for your consideration!

Hi Matthew - thanks for sharing your great idea!

This isn’t on our immediate roadmap, but I’ve added it for consideration. In the meantime, you may want to explore using something like [Qualaroo]( o “Link: o”), Olark, or Live Chat.
You can easily embed any of the mentioned widgets on your landing pages. The widget could display an after hours message and prompt a customer to leave their name, email, or phone number.

I hope that can help!
