Repeat submissions

Some of the visitors seemingly submitted my contact form couple of times and was counted that many times Ñ so I guess it causes some problems with calculating my conversion ratio. Do you have any plans on suppressing identical submissions?

3 replies

Unfortunately there is no way to do this currently, but I will make a note to take a closer look at how we handle conversions and leads. If your page is integrated with Mailchimp (or you’re importing the CSV of leads into a CRM) then they should take care of weeding out the duplicates for you.

“so if the same person were to use 2 different computers (or 2 different browsers) to access your page, they would count as 2 separate unique visitors. Is it possible that this is what happened?”


Is there any way to suppress identical submissions from the Leads report?

Hi Yurii,
A conversion is only counted once per unique visitor, so even if they filled out your form twice it should only count as one conversion and your conversion rate should still accurately reflect that.

It’s important to note that a unique visitor is cookie-based, so if the same person were to use 2 different computers (or 2 different browsers) to access your page, they would count as 2 separate unique visitors. Is it possible that this is what happened?

I hope that explains things a bit, but please let me know if this still doesn’t address your concern.

