Problem editing and viewing landing pages

  • 1 October 2010
  • 9 replies

Unable to view or edit landing pages from dashaboard. All of a sudden they are all on the dashboard but when I go to edit or preview in mozilla they are not viewable any more. Any advice.

9 replies

I can see my pages when I load their urls for the live pages but when I load them to edit in mozilla for OS X I get a blank work area (the header nav is still there and works)

Me to but I cant even see the live version on 2 of the three I have… Same thing though

Yea, I even tried creating a new landing page with the same result. The minute it goes into the editor it goes blank as well. Interesting.

Hi guys, we just did a deploy to fix a couple minor bugs and ended up inadvertently releasing a separate bug in the editor - very sorry for the alarm, we’ll have it fixed up in the next few minutes. I can assure you that none of your pages have been affected, and the bug has no correlation with published pages.

Will update this thread as soon as the fix is out.


Thank you this is just concerning since we have them published… Will this be an ongoing issue going forward.

Hi Joshua and Gordon,
We’ve deployed the fix so your pages should be working as expected in the editor. I’m really sorry again for any consternation this has caused, in our haste to fix an issue for another customer, we obviously let this one slide through.

That being said, I do want to make it clear that our ongoing work to the application and editor is quite separate from your published pages, and a bug like this one should never impact them.

We do strive for a high level of quality assurance and testing before each release, and if any bugs do make it through to the application, we aim to remedy them as quick as possible.

Thanks again for your patience guys.


Still an issue, I can see them in the edit screen but not in live following the link. You can view here…

Hi Joshua, sorry I didn’t realize that you had tried to publish your page while the bug was in effect. If you re-publish the page now it should be fine.

I didnt try publishing them that seemed to be a bug. However I just figure it out if I republished them it worked. Thanks.
