Pop up Form

  • 2 November 2013
  • 5 replies
  • 1 view

How do I make a button, when clicked, pop up the form fields rather than always show the fields?

5 replies


We’ve released a new feature into beta that allows you to build/launch your lightboxes directly within the page builder itself. This new release will allow you to add images, videos and even forms into your lightbox, and _it will allow you to attribute the lead/conversion back to the original page. 

Go check it out and sign up for the beta  here

Thanks Hristian! I’ll update Johnny’s post above. We had a few changes to our documentation this year and not all of the redirects have taken place. Sorry about that!

Jonathan, I would also check this thread out as well, as we’ve been chatting about this recently:

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Jonathan, 

Yes, the link leads to the old support articles. 

Here is the correct one: http://documentation.unbounce.com/hc/en-us/articles/203805714-Adding-and-Editing-Buttons-and-Confirm…

Looks like this link isn’t working any more - just takes me to the home page of documentation. Can you please provide the correct link? 

Userlevel 3

Hi Ben - You could place the form on a separate page and display the form page in a lightbox. Take a look at our support article on using a button to open a lightbox webpage: 
