I’ve been using Unbounce for a while now and have about 50 landing pages in production. I love it and hate it at the same time just like TLLMN in this thread: http://getsatisfaction.com/unbounce/t…
However I have a specific need. We recently started using Pardot. And while I love their product, I don’t really want to have to rebuild all of my landing pages there to take advantage of their automated marketing features. They do offer form handlers so that you can pass the form through them and back to your own handler kind of like a middleman. Best of both worlds right?
Problem is, I don’t see a way for me to use that feature in Unbounce. I can’t set the action of my forms in Unbounce and then redirect from Pardot back to Unbounce. I really wish I could do this as it would save me the trouble of moving all of my landing pages.
Please let me know if I’m missing something and you do support this feature.