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i have made changes, saved changes to page and then republished 

but the old version keeps showing on the url why?

Hi Jason, Sometimes it’s simply a caching issue with your browser. Have you tried clearing your browser cache or trying a different browser that you haven’t used to visit that page with before?

Hi Jason

I agree with Nicolas on this!!

The other reason sometimes I have not been able to see the republished page is bit silly! but it happens!! Sometimes the page has more than 1 variant and the traffic to the page is divided for the variant and even after republishing the page when I try refreshing the url it shows the other variant and not the one I have been updating. Please check if that is the case, otherwise it must be cache as Nicolas said!!



Sneha you can always specify the variant by adding /a /b /c etc. that will gurantee you see the one you want. A good rule of thumb is a hard refresh control (or command for mac users) F5
