One-Click Facebook Registration = Getting Your UsersÕ Best Email Addresses

  • 22 June 2014
  • 1 reply
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I want to ask if you plan to add a feature like this one:…
Will be great to have inside the forms the option for facebook. Thank you

1 reply

Hey Felix,

We don’t currently offer this level of connectivity through Facebook within the app just yet, but there is a bit of a workaround that you can try. Start by testing out the demo here (note: you need to be logged into Facebook):…

Johnny put together a custom solution to get this working that’s fairly easy to implement. You can check out his step-by-step instructions here:…

At the moment our highest priority features include SSL, spam filtering and of course, responsive - but once those are out of the way, this would be a great feature to implement. I’ve gone ahead and changed this from a question to an idea so others can vote on it and hopefully get it into our roadmap.

Thanks for submitting this!
