Related to the idea I suggested “Subdirectory support for landing pages?”, have you given any thought to making a version of Unbounce that could be deployed on a company’s premises? i.e. deployed on a server in a company’s data center.
Your page editor and your software for comparing variants, analytics, etc. is great and the hosted model works very well for getting people up and running fast. However, for a company that already has multiple data centers, multiple internet connections, etc., it would be interesting to have the option to deploy the software in that internal infrastructure.
I realize this would be a very different business model - a capex model based on per-seat-usage or some similar metric. You would also have to get into the business of formal “releases”, updates, installation issues, etc. - and all of that might not be something you want to take on right now.
Just thought I’d ask, though, since one solution to my other idea about subdirectories is obviously very simply to deploy the software directly on a companies web servers in their data center(s).