New Lightbox Feature Questions: Exit Intent & Double Visitor Counts

  • 5 February 2016
  • 4 replies

I have a two part question.
First: I’m a member of the lightbox feature beta and I’ve found that conversion rates are higher when I ask people to click a button to fill out my form. I also have a “learn more” button which goes to an another unbounce page. Am I getting double counted for visitors to for those that load the other page in the lightbox?

I had been using an exit intent and time delay signup modal using the custom HTML block and some custom JS. The problem is that I can’t use an unbounce form in the block and it’s simply quicker to use a lightbox created with the page editor. However these lighboxes aren’t hidden elements like I had been using before. I know this is probably beyond the tehcnical help that Unbounce can give, but i was wondering if there is a way to show the lighbox using JS?
I have code that can show a hidden element selected with:
Is there a way to select the lightbox element with some kind of CSS selector?

4 replies

I figured out how to fire the lightbox when the mouse leaves the viewport:.  $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).mouseleave(function(e){ } if(e.clientY \<0 ){ window.lp.lightbox.openLightbox('',{"desktop":{"width":456,"height":480},"mobile":{"width":320,"height":480}}, true) } }); });

Hey Noah, 

Thanks for sharing this, it’s a great addition to the lightbox toolkit. 


Stuart. 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

+1 for sharing this! You are a true gentleman.

Where Do I drop this code Noah?
