My page can't be found on Google

I’ve set up a new page and linked it to the custom domain

My problem is that if someone types ‘small business big day out’ into google they will not find the page …

What can I do? Boss is not a happy bunny -thank you

3 replies

Hey Nikki!

I wanted to chime in and add to Justin’s helpful points. When it comes to SEO, it can require patience. 

Depending on how you’re driving traffic to your site, and how you’ve connected it to social media and link building, it can take up to a month or more for Google to crawl your pages. Our good friends at Moz always champion the one month rule, and even then it’s not guaranteed given Google’s algorithm.

That’s why many people see their landing page strategy as completely separate from their SEO efforts (they concentrate their SEO budge on their homepage).
PPC and email marketing can provide a higher ROI when it comes to landing pages. Both channels are so beneficial because they deliver immediacy.

I hope that helps! 

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Hi Nikki - SEO is a bit tricky. There are lots of variables that contribute to your Google ranking and it can be a gradual process to improve that ranking.

It does look like your page has been crawled by Google, as when you Google “small business big day out” (including the quotes to make it an exact phrase search), you’ll see your page in the results. Improving your search engine ranking can be a gradual process, as you’re essentially competing against other pages to show that you’re the most relevant search match for various combinations of key words and other pages will have been around much longer, since your page is new.

One thing I would suggest to get started is to check your page content against Salesforce’s Essential SEO checklist: There are many things you can employ to help boost your search engine ranking, but these are the basic and essential points to get you started.

Hey Nikki,

It looks like you might have an opportunity to tweak the Title / Keywords / Description a bit to make a greater impact on organic search. See here:

For example, the Title of your page should probably something along the lines of: Small Business, Big Day Out | Stefan Kazakis

SEO best practices are always shifting, but for a better understanding of how to make the greatest impact SEO wise, I highly recommend reading up on the following articles from MOZ.

¥ Title Tags
¥ Meta Descriptions
¥ Keyword Research

If the community is listening, I would love to hear some tips on how others have managed to squeeze some SEO juice out of their pages!
