Manage multiple accounts and multiple clients with unbounce

  • 18 February 2011
  • 4 replies

I run landing pages for several companies, however I am an employee of one, a director of another, and also have personal tests I’d like to do.

Can I add different billing cards and assign them to certain pages, or can I share assets across multiple accounts? (BEST)

Also, lets ask get satisfaction to have this form auto-expand to allow bigger questions.

Matalin 🙂

4 replies

Hey Matalin - you’re not alone in wanting to manage multiple companies/clients on one account! Building an agency and multi-user model of Unbounce is on our very near radar. Drop us an email at if you’re up for helping us better understand your situation when we get down to designing a solution - we’ll be gathering as many use-cases as we can so that we can implement things in the best way possible.

Thanks for the feedback!

I’d love an agency style solution as well to, proving a bit complicated at the moment! 🙂

Hey guys, we’re rounding up users who are interested in being a part of our Agency and Multi-user beta group. Please sign up here if that sounds like something you might want to take part in!

Hey guys, I’m really excited to announce that we’ve rolled out a batch of shiny new features to accomodate multiple users and multiple sub-accounts (clients). What this means is that you no longer need to share your login information with anyone, and you can organize pages, domains and page groups into separate sub-accounts for client work or project specific organization. We’ve also rolled in a few new features such as the ability to edit your “new lead” email notifications.

For more details on the roll out, please check out our landing page with a couple of videos to get you started:

Enjoy, and as always we’d love to hear your feedback!
