Make it possible to export all leads from a selected page-group


Within unbounce it is possible to export leads from 1 page or all pages and page-group within a “Client”, it is however not possible to export all leads from 1 page-group.

In our situation we have 1 Client with multiple page-groups, within each page-group we have multiple pages.

Different types of leads are grouped within each page-group, it would be a huge time saver if we could export these leads in 1 action, instead of

  • exporting leads for each separate page and combining them
  • exporting all leads within a Client and removing them from the export file. Diasadvantage: page-group name is not exported

It would also emphasize the meaning of a page-group, which is now only a container for pages and not a container for leads.

kind regards


10 replies

Hey Ido,

If you’re still having troubles logging into your Unbounce account, just send us a quick email at: and one of our awesome success coaches will help get things sorted ASAP. Also, if you have any other recommendations for how we can improve our lead export, or reporting in general, be sure to chime in on this feedback thread: 

Thanks Ido!

Yes strange, I tried remember password option several times, but never got an email. I also notice that you cant create an account for this forum without having an unbounce subscription, that new, I am sure I created an account with this restriction. oh well.

To bad I couldn’t test, or didn’t react to your emails, I would have gladly tested, but never got an email.

I hope this feature mentioned in the first post will be implemented at some point. There is currently no option to get these leads without manually deleting the leads you don’t want.

kind regards


Hi Ido,

We actually sent an invite a while back. Could it be because of the forum account issue? We can look into resetting access to it.

Unfortunately, we already wrapped up usability testing and I’m currently waiting to hear back from our devs. I’ll bring up page export leads next time we discuss page management.

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have more questions though.




Just wondering what the status is of this request, its been a while ago. Perhaps there’s something new to tell.

Also, I never got an invite for the beta-testing. Not a problem for me, just wanted to let you know.

btw, I cant get into my forum account, so I am using the unbounce account now.

kind regards


Hi Ido,

I’m Topp Brocales, product designer here at Unbounce.

We would like to let you know we’re almost set to conduct usability testing for our page management prototype. This is basically our first step to achieving export leads from page groups. 

Vivi mentioned you’re interested in taking part of the usability test. Although the prototype doesn’t have export leads from groups yet, we’ll point out its possible location when we go through the test.

We’ll be sending out invites next week. Looking forward to meeting you!




Because multi lead export works on Client level, a possible solution could be to move the selected pages to a new Client. 

Unfortunately I just found out this is also not a solution for us as we are using our own custom domain. Apparently a domain can only be used in 1 Client at a time. Introducing a new domain will have impact on the already active pages. 

So, here’s me hoping that the feature to be able to export leads within a page-group will be available soon.

Kind regards


Hi Ido,
Would you mind sending me your contact info to my email at That way I can follow up with you regarding the user testing on the page management prototype?

Thanks Ido.

Hey Ido,
We will send you an email to setup the time for doing the user testing on the page management prototype.

As for the page group export leads we don’t have a time-frame set yet, but we will keep you in the loop for any update about this.

Thanks again Ido


Glad to hear my wish is on the product roadmap 🙂
Doing actions on page-groups sounds like a good improvement, it will certainly give a page-group more meaning than just a collection of pages.
I am currently on a short holiday, but I am willing to test when I return. I will also talk to the guy who actually created the pages about it.

Is there any time-frame for the page-group export of leads? 

kind regards


Hi Ido, 

Thanks for your idea! - Yes there’s definitely a need to allow exporting leads from a selected group, given your situation on using group to manage different campaigns in one client. We have this feature planned on our product roadmap, and with a potential to export all leads on pages that lives in the same domain/sub-domain. We will make sure to keep you on the loop for new updates on this feature. 

But since you mentioned on emphasizing the meaning of a page group,  I thought I’d share that we are currently working on improvements for the page management user experience (i.e managing multiple folders and doing bulk actions on pages, etc). We’re working hard to get the prototype ready for user testing, and I would like to ask if you’re interested to contribute on doing a user testing with us for this improvement?

Thanks again Ido!
