Lightbox images coming up blank

  • 27 October 2015
  • 1 reply

The function of the lightbox is working, but it just comes up blank. 

Action is set to URL in Lightbox and i have tried many different URL paths but no images come up. It works fine for a YouTube embed video though. 

I need to either have the lightbox going to an image URL could also have it just Lightbox the image that is shown on the site ( just a bigger version of the shown thumbnail. 

1 reply

Hi there! I’m going to have my Support team dive into this right away, so keep your eyes peeled for an email shortly. Just a heads up, our Community is more or less a place to connect with fellow marketers - but not necessarily the best place to get in touch with our team. If you need to get in touch with our team in a hurry, the best way to reach us is through email ( or by giving us a call at 1.888.515.9161.

Hang tight! We’ll be in touch shortly to sort this all out. 🙂
