Lead Gen Setup Blues

  • 1 November 2012
  • 2 replies
  • 1 view

Why does integrating with MailChimp require every new lead to receive an ugly confirmation email?


Title: MailChimp List Name that I Don’t Want Exposed to New Leads

Your subscription to our list has been confirmed.

For your records, here is a copy of the information you submitted to us…

Email Address: example@myurl.com
First Name: (first_name)
Last Name: (last_name)

If at any time you wish to stop receiving our emails, you can:
unsubscribe here

Big MailChimp Unsubscribe Button.

You may also contact us at:


When setting up the MailChimp integration, I selected “Welcome Email” rather than “Confirmation Email” which sends a double opt-in.

My intention is to send my own custom “Welcome Email” and not use MailChimp’s ugly confirmation email.

2 replies

Thanks, Ryan.

Hey Britt - don’t be sad!

Our agreement with MailChimp requires that you select either the double opt-in or Welcome email. It’s just sort of how their API works.

The good news is that you can totally customize the final welcome email so you don’t have to send a message like the one you outlined above.

You can customize the “Final Welcome Email” by following the steps MailChimp outlines at http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/how-d…

I hope that helps to un-sad you but if I misunderstood, be sure to let me know. It’s my goal to help to turn your frown upside down.
