Landingpage name visible for everyone?

  • 19 November 2015
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

I just realized that anyone who visits my landingpages can see the name I gave the page inside of unbounce.
I name lots of pages after affiliate partners so that i know which page belongs to whom.
When a visitor looks into the code of any published page he can find a parameter called “” which shows exactly how I named the page inside of unbounce.

Is there a way to hide that?

There are some confidential information in the names I give my pages and I think that lot of other people name their pages like I do to keep them organized (beyond groups).

Anyone else seeing an issue with that?

3 replies

There are notes for each page, but unfortunately not for each individual variant.  Might be something that you could make an argument for though 🙂

Okay thank you very much. I was hoping that there is a way to mark may pages to keep them organized. Something like “notes” for each page or so.

Hello Jullian,

I don’t believe there is any way to hide that parameter.  It’s default and useful if you want to track in google analytics.  Hopefully someone can provide a solution the equivalent of Google tag manager for this, but I’m out of my element 🙂

The obvious answer, though not ideal, would be to come up with abbreviations and codes that only you would know.  

Best of luck,

