Landing page review

Hi there Im promoting a free event on Bing PPC and struggling to get registrations to it.
Could you please look at my landing pages. I have 2 different ones with the hero shot the only difference. Ive been working really hard to convert people with this Im getting eyeballs on the page just noone clicking through.
Really appreciate your help on this.

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I like the improvements, Elisha. Just curious, would it be possible to put the video directly on the page? That’s how I’ve seen most successful event registration pages set up. There’s a headline, a video, some event details, testimonials/trust logos, and then the only call to action would be to actually register. Just thinking out loud here. Is there a reason you want the video presentation behind the form?

Take another look I’ve changed the page about

my other idea I was going to try was after optin they go to an eventbrite page for registeration

do you think maybe test have the landing page and registration page all in one? instead of clicking off that page. That would be the end of the line? when they submit/register the details I could them just to a thank you page please check email inbox for tickets? whats your thoughts

Hi Thanks I want criticism so all good.
Ill swap the colours over. I did have a lot more info on the page testimonials, speaker agenda and event info but noone was clicking through. Since I took that away I have now had 10 people click through and 2 sign up for the event.
I’ll try and pick a better picture too.
I will add the company logo of the people holding the event too.

Hi Elisha,

I agree with a lot of what Nicholas had to point out, but some additional things to consider:

  • Boxing all the text makes it a bit difficult to focus on what you are saying. It also breaks up the sentence in an odd way. Suggest choosing a clear font and just putting the text on without a box or background color.
  • Why make this a 2 step process? Couldn’t you just ask for their contact info and offer them the ebook right on the landing page? Sometimes people are hesitant to click a “Get details” button, thinking they are going to be transported somewhere they don’t want to go. It detracts from the credibility of the site.
    Good luck!
Userlevel 7
Badge +4

HI Elisha,

Nice page! Here is some constructive criticism:

  • The main background image is a little blurry/pixelated. Try a higher resolution.
  • Consider adding a logo to improve the credibility of the page. Who is puttin on the event? That’s the first thing I thought of, and it would help people decide if they want to attend.
  • Consider adding testimonials. Even if this is your first event, maybe find testimonials from other aspects of the business in general. Testimonials are super important for event pages, because it is a big time commitment even if it is free.
  • The red box takes away from your main call to action, which is the blue button. You want the call to action to be what stands out the most. Consider swapping those colors.
  • If your goal is to get event registrations, you need more info on the event: time, location, agenda, speakers, etc.
  • When clicking on the call to action button, it says “free ebook.” But this doesn’t align with your main page copy. If you want people to get the free ebook, then make that the main call to action on the page, instead of "get all the details here."
    Overall, nice page. Didn’t mean to be critical, but hopefully this info will be helpful. Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day!

Did u look at the page? I don’t think so it’s nothing to do with Bing. I’m advertising on Bing that’s for tracking

How about a headline saying: “free event on Bing PPC” 
