Landing Page for Real Estate Industry

  • 7 March 2012
  • 4 replies


I have an opportunity to start a PPC campaing for a Real Estate project, since I have a management background, design is not my field, that is why I came to Unbounce looking for a solution.

Unfortunately, Unbounce hasn _t built any design for the Real Estate industry, I think it will be really cool and useful (especially for guys like me in the Real Estate field) to have such wonderful tools for our campaings

Kind regars


4 replies

Hi, just started sending meaningful PPC traffic to one of my pages recently and conversions haven’t been as great as I would like - so I feel I need to do more testing before I can give you an answer. I will be testing KISS vs Video vs Long pages over the next quarter and will let you know what works the best for me. However real estate ranges from $ 5,000 properties to ? and any conclusions I make will be about a certain price range and location - may not be the same for different price ranges or locations - ahh the never ending joys of testing…

everything you need is all there ! trust me!

I agree - I built a real estate lead capture system on unbounce with no background in design either. Do some research and read a little - look at other landing pages you like and recreate them on unbouce. You can do it !

Hey Dean, any examples of pages that have worked for you? I’m starting a real estate project and looking for info.

