I have this webform code from Infusionsoft ( " rel=“nofollow” target="_blank" title=“Link https//li286infusionsoftcom/app/form/iframe/ca158fb1ec607661e686dbe26f886880/script”>https://li286.infusionsoft.com/app/form/iframe/ca158fb1ec607661e686dbe26f886880">; ) and when added to the page I created from unbounce the form will either change or gone.
ex: this page is created from unbounce: https://app.unbounce.com/1690953/pages/15f6de39-672b-45f8-beed-03c6799b94ae/preview?variant_id=79455…
not yet integrated with Infusionsoft, but after adding the webform code. this is how it looks: https://app.unbounce.com/1690953/pages/b2ea30fd-df67-41b0-bc37-7a7c819738bd/preview?variant_id=85095…
It shows exactly a webform from Infusionsoft and not the orginal design the worst is it ruined the page customize settings.
Any suggestions are welcome…
Thanks in advance!