Is there anyway to do Offline Editing

  • 26 June 2015
  • 4 replies

We do landing pages with 50 products or more sometimes, the image upload in unbounce is painfully slow, and to update links and stuff for 50 items takes so long.  I see I can download unbounce files, is there any way I can edit them so I can do quick find and replace actions and use my own CDN to manage image delivery?  Doing it in the web editor is becoming increasingly painful

4 replies

Hi Al - great question.

At this time, there isn’t a way to edit Unbounce landing pages offline. Essentially, our tool was built to allow users who don’t have access to web development, or CDN’s, to easily build and test landing pages. It sounds like what you’re trying to do is a bit more advanced, and might lend itself better to a custom built landing page that you host yourself. 

If you don’t mind me asking, what’s stopping you from building these pages outside of our builder? Not trying to sway you away from our product or anything; just don’t want you to be limited if you’re technically able (and have the bandwidth) to build/edit these yourself. 

Finally, if offline editing is something you hope to see in Unbounce one day, let me know and I’ll change this from a  Question to a  Feature Request so others can vote on this idea as well. :) 

Hi Al

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner - Unfortunately as far as I can see there is no way you can do this. I initially wanted to see your landing page to get some context - btw it’s a great landing page !

I’d maybe post this up in the technical category - or change the category of this question and see what you get. 



Yeah, take a look at something like this -

Hi Al

Any chance you could post a link up here to the page ? It be helpful to have a bit more context.

