Identify nearest location from Zip Code and assign the lead to specific representative

  • 18 February 2016
  • 2 replies

My dilemma is that I have a single landing page with a lead form used in a statewide publication. From the zip code entered on the form, I need to identify the nearest location (like a store locator) and assign that location using a hidden field. Ideally, I’m not a coder and have only a very, very basic understanding of javascript. Could anyone offer a solution or point me in the right direction? 

2 replies


Not sure if Unbounce can do this off-hand, unless you utilize Hristian’s API integration advice. If you have a territorial sales setup though, I bet you use a CRM.

If yes, use Unbounce and then something like Zapier to insert the lead into the CRM and handle territorial assignments at the CRM level. CRMs like Salesforce, Zoho, Dynamics, etc are well equipped to handle this exact issue. 

If you go the CRM route, a non-coder like yourself should be able to pull it off in a couple hours. 🙂
Good luck!


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Mike, 

What you need to do is possible but requires some serious custom coding and an API like this

  • How many leads per hour are you expecting?
  • How many locations are we talking about?


P.S. If this is critical to your campaign success you can email me directly at: h [at] revise [dot] cc 
to discuss details and offer you a better estimate on how much work would be involved. 
