I'm new here, and I am no expert.....but I need help

  • 7 January 2016
  • 5 replies

I’m new here, and I am no expert. I’ve launched an Internet campaign, with a landing page, but I am getting zero enquiries. Is there anyone out there that can take a look at my landing page and tell me where I am going wrong?

5 replies

Hello Ivan,
Hristian and Joe Savitch gave you plenty of guidance to work with so I’ll be specific with how I felt with a quick 10 second glance of your landing page.  “Before fees” left me feeling uneasy.  
When dealing with money we are all very protective and untrusting.  If possible, a bit more transparency or explanation into “before fees” could help relieve some of that tension that your visitor may be feeling.  Social proof helps people feel more at ease too.  
Then again, that’s just one visitor’s paradigm 🙂 keep testing.


Everything Hristian said is spot on.  The things I would focus on first is the mobile version. That should be the top priority.

In the landing page course, they talk about “form first design” looking at the form as if it were the only element on the page.

Right now it says need advice, we’ll call you. What if I don’t want to be called, I want to be emailed? You are stating you won’t do that, in a round about way. Michael Aaggard talks about WYSIATI What You See Is All There Is and when you say we’ll call you that says that is all we’ll do and it could turn some people off.

Your CTA is Please call me, am I supposed to call you or are you calling me? I get into trouble with CTA’s all the time. The best advice I received is KISS the CTA should answer the following question. If my prospect fills out the form I want them to… You could test out the following CTA’s: Let’s Talk, Get More Information, I Am Ready For Advice, Help Me With My Money etc.

At the top change the header to something like get no obligation advice from a 5 Star Firm or Get Help Maximizing the Return on your ISA. Then add 2 lines of copy to the effect of. We have achieved annualized return of 9.89% before fees over the past 3 years, let us help you!

I would also test removing the “leaks” a.k.a. links. If you need to tell people about the service make the page longer, add more info… but try to keep them on the page. Letting them leak away will sabotage your conversion rates on this page.

It is a great start. Good luck, show us some of the variations when you have them!

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Ivan, 

Thank you for providing the additional info. 

I took a look at your landing page and there are a few things that jumped out:

  • Single goal - When you are pushing paid traffic to a landing page, ideally, you want it to have a single purpose. In your case, getting a lead. Any links (menus, social, etc.) that are leading away from your landing page should be removed.

  • Message Match/Continuity  - You are doing a good job at using the same imagery on your ad and landing page but the copywriting differs. Your ad asks a question which is not immediately answered/shown on the LP itself. 

  • Copywriting - The LP is really heavy on copy. Try reducing it only to the key benefits. As a general rule people tend to scan a page and read only what jumps out. Your page makes it harder to do it and potential leads will just bounce. 

  • Form - There are a lot of tweaks you can apply to the form but the gist of it is: test moving it higher up the page, so it loads above the fold, add a more descriptive/benefit-oriented form headline, work on your call-to-action button, contrast it more with a different color since you are using purple elsewhere on the site. 

  • Social Proof - Add a bit more social proof in the form of testimonials. 

  • Responsive Version - Work on your responsive template. No need for two forms almost one after the other. 

These are just broad strokes to get you thinking in the right direction. 

I’ve also noticed that your page is a WordPress based so ideally you should give Unbounce a chance.

The Unbounce landing pages integrate nicely with WordPress sites but also allow you to run tests on your pages in order to optimize them. 

A few more ideas:

- You are pushing plenty of traffic to your page, so start running optimization tests as soon as possible. 

  • Install some heatmap tracking (Hotjar) and use the data to further optimize your page

  • Make sure you are using Google Analytics to its full potential

  • Offer an incentive (ex. a guide, free consultation, complimentary analysis, etc.). Just talk to your current customers and get their feedback on what made them choose your company over the competition.

Last but not least, you should go through this course by Unbounce that would give you a good base for future optimization: http://do.thelandingpagecourse.com/

Let me know how it goes and if you have more questions. 


Hi Hristian

My landing page address is http://advisability.co.uk/index.php/a…

I’m driving traffic to it using Taboola. I will attach a photo of the Taboola ad. I’m sending approx 1000 visitors per day to begin with. I would be happy with a 1% enquiry rate, either by form or telephone, however at the moment I’m getting zero. I honestly don’t understand why.

I believe there should be a demand for the product. 50% of all UK adults have ISAs, some 25,000,000 people.

If you can be any help I would be very grateful. See photo below.


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Ivan, 

Welcome to the Unbounce community. 

If you share your landing page address, I’m sure the community here can give you actionable insights on what you can improve. 

Also, include a bit more background info on your campaigns:

  • Average traffic levels you are pushing to your landing page in a day/week/month?
  • If your pushing paid traffic include your actual ads (images, copywriting, etc.)
  • Are you sure there is a demand for your service/product?

Conversions heavily rely on properly identifying your target audience, their pain points, offering a solution and last but not least being able to reach them at the right time.

