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Hi everyone, 

Can anyone help with a simple way to make the background of a from transparent?

It’s for a newsletter signup, so only teo fields (name and email).

Thanks 😉

Set the opacity to 100%.  

Hi Joe, 

I simply cant find that option when it comes to forms? 

Hi Kristian, 

You need to put your form into a box element.

Then you’ll be able to set the opacity of the box element like Joe suggested above. 



Hi Hristian, 

Thanks for the quick reply :) 

How would i do so? It seems like it’s not a quick drag and drop task.


Hey Kristian, 

It is a drag and drop task. 

The box element is the 2nd one from the top in your element’s panel. (see screenshot below). 

After that, you pick up and drag/insert your form into that box element. 

You can style the box element with border, opacity, etc. 



Hi 😉

Thank you, but it seems like it’s only the box that is affected by the opacity slider - not the form background? 

Hi Kristian, 

My bad. I thought you wanted to encapsulate your form with a transparent box/background. 

If you want the actual fields to be transparent, you’ll need to tweak your CSS. 

&nbsp; #lp-pom-form-10 .lp-pom-form-field input.text {&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; background: transparent;<br />&nbsp; }<br />




EDIT: Make sure you change the #lp-pom-form-10 ID to the appropriate one on your page. 

Thank you very much! 

Works great 😉

Thank you for that!

No problem. 

I’m glad I could help. 

Just be careful with this since it would make your form less noticeable. 



Hi Hristian!

I added this CSS (along with at the beginning and at the end) on my landing page today and it’s not working. Is there something else I need to tweak besides changing the element ID?

Hi @gpan,

What exactly did you add to your page?

The script above seems to have been broken when Unbounce switched platforms hosting this community.

Generally speaking, your script shouldn’t have any &nbsp; in it.

If you can share your page, we might be able to figure it out.


