How to receive a salesforce notification when an unbounce lead registers?

  • 25 April 2014
  • 6 replies

how to receive a salesforce notification when an unbounce lead registers?

6 replies

Hi David! 
Sounds like you guys have figured out a solution that works. Would you be interested in submitting a new ‘idea’ and making a step-by-step for users who have never used Zapier? There may or may not be a box of exclusive Unbounce goodies in it for you… 

I saw this thread and thought I’d weigh in on a solution we developed.  We integrated our SF with Zapier.  When a new lead is submitted - in our case when someone replies to a campaign - we detect it with Zapier and post it on our in-house IM system. 

Thank you.

Ahh, I see! Thanks for the clarification Moris - that makes total sense. I’m not sure this is currently possible given the limitations of SalesForce’s API and our current integration. I’ve been sure to pass this feature request along to our Director of Product & User Experience. We’ll be looking at improving our integrations and this is definitely great feedback!

mmm. not exactly. My salesforce is already receiving the new leads, its just that salesforce _s web form notify _s me of every new web lead by email, i was hopping there was a way to do the same here. I know that unbounce can notify me by email, buy i was hopping salesforce can do it to. I know this can be accomplished through a workflow, i was wondering if there was another way.

Hey Moris - We have a SalesForce integration that’ll send your Unbounce leads straight to your SalesForce CRM in real-time. We have a Knowledge Base article that’ll walk you through the process here. Would that work for you? Or were you looking for something different. Let me know if I missed the mark!
