How to embed Typeform as widget?

  • 14 August 2014
  • 2 replies

I’ve used the Typeform to create a more complex form for my unbounce page.

I’m trying to embed the form as HTML code without success.

This is Typeform’s code:

<!-- Change the width and height values to suit you best -->

<script>(function(){var qs,js,q,s,d=document,gi=d.getElementById,ce=d.createElement,gt=d.getElementsByTagName,id='typef_orm',b='';if(!,id)){,'script');;js.src=b+'widget.js';,'script')[0];q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q)}})()</script>   

Unfortunately I keep getting the same result, once published all I see is:

The requested URL /refer/null/ was not found on this server.

My landing page URL is:

2 replies

Hi Marco!

Where did you paste the Typeform code inside the page?

I would kindly suggest you to use google tag manager. After you have pasted the Typeform code into a new tag you can create a trigger based on the behaviour of your page’s users - e.g. avg. session time or sign out. 

I hope this could help you!

If you would request more information drop me a line Ð

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi Marco - Are you using the Wordpress embed, by chance? There should be a custom embedding option that utilizes an iframe rather than that script that should work great in Unbounce:…
