How SSL Can Boost Your Credibility and Conversions

In our ‘always-on, always-connected’ world (hey, even your grandma sees targeted Facebook ads these days) Ð you might think that the past is in the past, but some pre-digital nuggets of truth still apply.

Think about traditional bank buildings, for example. Old banks tend to feature big marble pillars, mosaic floors, and ornate details. Come to think about it, even modern banks are sleek glass structures that scream, Ò_this is a legit place of business. We do not mess around!_Ó

Image courtesy of S.L. via

Well, sure, you’re thinking, but what does this have to do with my landing pages? Because a bank isn’t just a bank, it’s a place you trust to protect and manage your hard-earned savings. It’s a place that has to inspire confidence.

Banks know trust is essential Ð in fact, every professional industry knows this Ð so they make it their job to evoke strong feelings of credibility right when you walk in the door (that’s what all the fancy decor was about).

As credibility remains key for brick and mortar businesses, it’s critical to your landing pages too.

You ask visitors to your lead gen pages to share their personal information (sometimes a good deal of it), and they want to know they can trust you Ð and that their info won’t end up anywhere sketchy.


Recent surveys indicate that77% of website visitors are worried that their personal data could be intercepted or misused online, so it’s your job to do everything you can to convey credibility on your landing pages.

SSL is one of the best ways to increase your credibility, and this is why we’ve rolled it out for you in Unbounce.

What’s SSL (and why is it so important)?

SSL, or ‘Secure Sockets Layer’, is an industry standard security measure that creates an encrypted link between your landing pages and your visitor’s browser. It encrypts all data transmission and also ensures that information sent through your forms is secure.

SSL secured domains let people viewing your landing pages know that they’re visiting a site where the data is coming from a known source.

This can have a huge impact on your conversion rates.

You can recognize secured domains through the ‘HTTPS’ web address, and the small green lock icon that appears in the address bar. These are small visual clues that many visitors search for to know their info is safe. In fact, close to half of website visitors will check for security indicators before they hand over personal information in a form.


In many industries, including finance, healthcare, and government, to name a few Ð the little green lock icon and other indicators can make a big difference when it comes to conversion.

By serving your landing pages over SSL, you provide a reassuring experience for potential customers (who know they can trust you,) and this leads to higher conversion rates. GlobalSign discovered that 84% of website visitors would abandon a purchase if they knew the data was going to be sent over an unsecure connection.

Without SSL, you could be leaving money on the table.

The good news?

If you’re an Unbounce customer with a Pro account, your pages are now SSL enabled. (awww yeah!)
Update your links to HTTPS and you’re all set. 

Your pages will now show HTTPS and the green lock icon in the address bar, which will give your visitors that much more of a reason to trust you and convert.

We should also note that your HTTP pages still work too. You can choose which you’d like to use.

But wait, there’s more! (Get your security seal to drive more conversions).

Our security partner, GlobalSign, has a security seal that you can add to your SSL enabled pages. It serves as visual one-two punch that your landing pages are the real deal. It looks like this:

Screen Shot 2015-05-25 at 105931 AMpng

To add the security seal to your pages, follow these steps:

  1. Visit this link to get the GlobalSign code to embed on your page.
  2. Select your seal format (there are four designs to choose from).
  3. Once you’ve chosen the design you prefer, copy the associated HTML code provided.
  4. Head into the Page Builder and drag and drop the HTML widget onto your page.
  5. Paste the code from GlobalSign into the Embed HTML Code window then click Done.
    (Heads up, the Unbounce Page Builder might tell you there’s a problem with the code, but it’s all good Ð your security seal will display properly when your page is published.)


Stop losing conversions from security-conscious visitors!

When it comes down to it, security-focus is continuing to grow across the Internet and marketers have to work to build visitor trust. Your landing page design may play a big part in conveying your company’s credibility, but if you’re asking folks to fill out a form with their personal information (or make a purchase,) you need to do everything you can to reinforce trustworthiness and care for your customers. SSL will help you do this.

If you aren’t on an Unbounce Pro plan yet, but want to enhance your trust and security with SSL, just head to your Account Settings in Unbounce and switch to a Pro plan

Let us know with a comment below if you’ve added the security seal to your pages, and any feedback you have about SSL. This new feature is good for more than just conveying credibility to increase conversions, and you can look forward to more posts on what else you can do with SSL comin’ right up!

Stay tuned and let us know what SSL means for your landing pages below.

15 replies

And here’s an even better guide ;) 

A great guide to making a Facebook App.

Would be awesome if you could create either a “facebook” variant, or variants, or just force the width to 540px as required by Facebook Apps 🙂

I think it is a temporary error, as it appears to have gone now 🙂

Thanks Ryan I got it, and upgraded immediately, very helpful 🙂
Building my Facebook plugin right now!

One issue though: “Your connection is not Private” error

Is this just a temporary error? (Was immediately after I upgraded)

Hi Craig - we have a solid discount for non-profits doing great work in their communities. It’ll help you a ton with the cost of the Pro99 plan so keep on eye on your inbox. Our team will be in touch soon to hook you up.

Thanks for the info Paul - I probably will indeed.  However will you need a Pro99+ account to use the Wordpress Plugin?
We are a small not for profit Australian Arts Org, and we would rarely get the traffic that really justifies the Pro plans, hence the dilemma.

It looks like it was a caching issue causing me not to see the seal. I viewed the URL in an incognito window and it appeared. My bad! Thanks all!

Hi Craig, 

I can see where you are coming from. Using your already existing EV certificate makes the most sense in your case. If you were in the situation where you did not have those, then our offer would be a much better value for you.

I do have some good news though. We are currently working on a Wordpress plugin (and have a working prototype now) so that you will be able to place Unbounce landing pages on your Wordpress sites. You might want to see what we come up with in the next few weeks before developing your own solution. 🙂

Just in case anyone else runs into this… one thing that’s easy to do when pasting the HTML copy into your landing page is to include this text:


It appears at the beginning and end of the block. Editing it out should allow the icon to appear and function properly. 

In some aspect I agree with graig.

Maybe it could be worth offering SSL Certs as an addon to those on the starter plan. (but I’m sure this was discussed)

Going by what you say in this article those who are on an unsecured starter plan are having to try overcome the worries of the 77% of people.

 I think for those who aren’t ready to scale up to the $99 a month plan because their site traffic or business isn’t quite yet at the place it needs to be, puts them at an unfair disadvantage.

Still love the platform though.

I think as a starter plan user, that it is to expensive at $50 more per month, just for SSL - which is only worth around $50 per year for domain level validation (which is what you are offering right)
I use EV Business ID on my other domains - and already pay for, which I would love to share to my pages, but I cannot add my own SSL cert - which is what I would love to be able to do.
My thinking is to eventually create my own Wordpress hosted Landing page system with a plugin, and then I will be able to manage the SSL myself, so this is just another reason to do that.

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

Hi Seth - it should be as simple as that. The only thing I can think of is that maybe there’s a browser or network caching issue–can you try loading it in an incognito/in-private browsing window or clearing your cache?

If that doesn’t work, can you shoot us an email at with the page you’ve placed the widget on or, if you’re comfortable, post the URL here?

Hey Seth, we’ll look into this on our end to see if something’s up and we’ll be in touch with you shortly. 

My attempt to add the Global Sign to a landing page was a fail. I couldn’t get this to show up. Am I missing something? I copied the HTML from the Global Sign site. I dragged the HTML widget to my landing page in Unbounce. I pasted the code in the HTML window in Unbounce. I saved the page. I republished the page, previewed the page and saw nothing. Any assistance? Thanks.

Yes! ABC Always-Be-Converting 🙂
